
[Closed] How do I change back to white background from black? I HATE black!

Just this morning I checked into Viki and suddenly all the background color is black with white font text. I HATE black background with white texts. How do I change it back to white background with black text? 



  • 공식 댓글

    Hello everyone,

    To provide users with a seamless, immersive experience throughout our web, mobile and TV apps, we have removed our light background mode on the websiteAs a result, you will no longer be able to toggle between a dark and light background on the website.

    We hear what you're saying though and will share this feedback with our product team. Where possible, we will do our best to make changes in the future.

    Thanks again for sharing this with us. Take care and stay safe!


    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • I have the same request. This dark background should be an option. I indeed did not like it. It is being pretty hard to watch since I wear glasses. 

    That way would you consider let customers choose their best options?


    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • As a web designer myself I can tell you all with 100% probability that it was a MAN who decided on this horrible black background with white text, and a stubborn man to boot who doesn't give paying customers an option to go back to the former default white background with black text. If you look at sites and message boards created by men they almost always choose black or dark backgrounds with white text on them. Maybe it reflects the darkness in their souls, but I've seen this for YEARS online. Women do NOT like dark backgrounds with white text. Especially those of us with vision problems it's AGONY to read that way. When you go to a library and take out books do ANY of them have black paper inside with white texts? NO. NONE! So why is it acceptable for online web sites? They should AT LEAST give paying Viki customers like myself the option to OPT OUT of such a set up. 

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • the same problem 

     i don't feel good at all watching drama's with dark mode on 

    could you  please change it 

    it's my request !!!! 


    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • Same problem!!Hate black background!!

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • I do have the same question: how do I change to white background?

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • Starting on 6/26/20 it's the new default mode, but I don't know how to change it.  It's killing me and giving me migraines!  I contacted Viki, but I will probably never get a response.  Here's the original article.


    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • I prefer white background .It was an option before .Help

    Plase change  it to white.


    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • I'm glad more people are complaining. It's simply INTOLERABLE to me. I end up going elsewhere than here to watch my dramas. Since I'm paying a darn 10 bucks a month for premium I expect to not have options TAKEN AWAY FROM ME like this. I have bad astigmatism and it is AGONY to read white text on black background. Whoever decided to TAKE THE OPTION AWAY for seamless white background with black text was a full class A1 IDIOT. :( 

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • The white text on the black background is also causing me issues with eyestrain. Please bring back the light background with black text option. It is very bad customer service for Viki to take away the options for such a stupid reason.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • I also do not like the change to the black background.  Yes I am a paid provider and I liked the white background much better. My eyesight isn't as good as it used to be and the black hurts my eyes and makes it harder to read.  I would love to have the option back where we decide if it white or black.   Thanks!

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • I've been spending less time on the site because I find browsing and reading the comments with the black background unbearable. It's really horrible. Dark text on a light background remains the most readable and usable. I realize some sites like Netflix have a dark background, but with how much Viki invested around comments, I thought they would want people to spend time reading the content and to prioritize text readability. Please add back an option for a light background!

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • Why Viki you want to hurt my eyes with this black background??

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • Viki please listen to your members, although it's not much we are still paying a fee to you. So it would be nice if you can try to comply with our requests, Your response sounds like 'well we've changed it deal with it!!!'  It's not rocket science for your web developers to put in an option for users to select background from one colour to the other like other websites. Reading on your site is extremely uncomfortable & a strain on the eyes. At the end of the day YOU decided to change the background from white to black!!!! 

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • I want to change the text color in my shows but no clue how. I hear moaning about hating black on white and white on black. Me I like large yellow font, opaque black back ground and I can see it quite well and it doesn’t mess with my show. Now someone tell me how to change the font color or can I only do that on Netflix? I wear glasses, have astigmatism and am almost 60 years old but the opaque black blends in and the yellow pops so I can read it easily. I prefer the black in my subtitles because white is too distracting. Now if I can only find a way to do it without reading all these messages about being a subber for Viki instead of answering my question of how do I change my font size and color and reading hundreds of responses on subbing or this particular one about the colors which seems to be as close as I could get.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • Hi ifilostmyway_990,

    Thank you for writing to Viki Community Support!

    For more information on how to change your subtitle settings, please check out our FAQ here.

    Hope this helps! We’ll be closing this to prevent confusion of multiple requests.

    Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us anytime.

    Have a great day!


    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • Ithought my TV was malfunctioning.At least I know the problem.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • Same problem... reading white text on black background is killing my eyes and giving me headache!!!

    I'm a web designer too and i agree with what was said before!

    One impotant priciple in graphic and web design is that white text on black background is against the reading... if you want that the customers read your site easily NEVER use white text on black background!!!

    It's good only on short and big sized text as tiltes or similar.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • I'm having a same thing going as well. Hate black background. Any solutions? Plz!


    댓글 작업 고유 링크

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