Watch History
You just removed the Watch History for Windows PC. This was a mistake. Continue Watching is fine if you are watching 1 thing and moving continuously forward.
I, like many others I am sure, watch my new shows and also watch shows with my friends. Sometimes they are not at the same point as me and I often shift back to a previously watch show to share with them.
I also rewatch shows after some time and with all the episodes already watched in full it is hard to tell where I am.
I am a advocate for Viki and am getting as many of my friends to join as I can so I can share the spirit of east asian productions; particularly the Korean.
There was absolutely no reason to remove this feature for those who need and use it. Keep Continue Watching but put the full Watch History back. I am a programmer and know this is not a big deal. The data is already there and it is easy to restore code you already wrote. My iPad Viki app still has it but I do most of my watching on a big screen with Windows 10.
I am sure I am just one of many that are upset by this change. I am a huge fan of Viki and was completely satisfied with how it was. I was also one of those contacted by your developer staff to test and give my opinion on the new interface and made it clear how important this is to me.
Please put it back. I love this site and do not want to see it go in the wrong direction. You can always add feature to make it easier for novice/simple users without disabling things that seasoned users like and use.
I watch primarily TV Dramas of all types and not movies.
So I'm looking at my Continue Watching on my computer. I have two screens open so I can be accurate. Viki tells me I'm on Episode Four of The Wonder Woman and there's a blue line telling me exactly where I left off watching that episode. It tells me I'm on Episode One of both You're All Surrounded and Into the World Again. I have finished all episodes of Good Doctor. I don't understand what more we would need of our watch history.
If all the episodes are already watched in full, why would you need to know where you are? Do you just want to re-watch a few episodes but not the whole drama? If you want to watch the whole drama again, use the edit button to delete the show, and simply start watching it again after twenty four to forty-eight hours.
I see it does need at least that long to register, maybe cause they're across the world from me. I finished Good Doctor yesterday and when I start episode one again, it does say I finished that whole episode already on Continue Watching. YET when I restart the episode after twenty minutes, it goes to exactly where I left off re-watching Episode One.
I watch a lot of shows so the Watch History was actually more work for me. I often opted to Clear History because I didn't want pages and pages of so many episodes to delete one at a time. By clearing away Watch History, it also left me more room on my profile page.
I'm not a person who can re-watch shows. Out of close to a thousand Asian shows that I've watched since 2002, I re-watched under ten. Some I watched again on Viki because I saw them the first time elsewhere. I find on Viki that the subtitles bring out things I missed on other sites. Now I understand the text messages, signs, lyrics which give clues about the plot, and even episode headings. So I re-watch only my top favorites. Otherwise, re-watching puts me to sleep. Funny me.
I'm a seasoned watcher. Continue Watching is new to us on Viki, but it's how other sites have done it for years. I see the value in this method. I looked at your profile page and you have lots of room for watch history so it doesn't hinder you, but it did to me.
Also, since our profile page is public but our continue watching is private and personalized, some followers asked me how to delete their Watch History from their profile page. I told them it's the one thing on your profile page that is not public, but for some very private people it was a major concern.
There is no reason to not have both methods. Let the user choose what works best for them. I explained why it is important to me. I read why it is not important to another user. The needs of one person does not negate the needs of another. If this was a difficult thing to keep in both forms I would drop it....but, as I already said above, I am a programmer with over 30 years of programming experience with extensive web and database middleware/backend experience. I know this would be trivial to your developers.
why mess with the watch history, your developers had nothing to do?
I'd love the Watch History button back. When I am on the show's page, it doesn't list the episodes I've watched as "watched" and I get lost in the binge knowing where I left off. Plus, I like leaving the episode before the end and the hook for the next episode. Even when I know which episode I stopped on, it starts me back at the beginning half the time. Super annoying to then find my spot.
Can't this be an item in settings we could turn on or off per user wishes?
I don't mind Watch History for those who really want it. All I ask is that Viki please not put it on our Watch History plus on our profile page. For those of us who volunteer on projects, who need to follow the shows we are responsible on, who have followers as moderators and reviewers, and who have fan collections, the Watch History cluttered up my profile page!!!
Also, the notice went up on Viki that due to increased viewers watching at the same time, because of the last few months, the continue watching was not registering for over fifteen minutes. I found it took longer for me than that. Many times, before the system removed Watch History, it was still starting episodes for me back at the beginning. I found on Viki app that I simply leave the drama, go on my To-Watch List, click there on the drama, and it registered in a minute.
So many people are at home watching at the same time; it's hard for the system to keep up, which I totally understand. Thank you, Viki, for being there during these difficult times!
Why did you remove the Watch History function? I used this function to remember which show I am watching and which episode I am watching. The Idea to remove the Watch History was not a great idea. At least let us users decide if the function was useful or not because after reading some of the comments, most like the function of the Watch History. Please think about restoring the Watch History.
I too would like to have the Continue Watching shortcut back..just the small icon at the top would be great, and much more useful than the newly added Night Mode icon. As it stands, if I want to switch from one drama to a different one I have to close and reopen Viki. FYI I use a Chromebook to watch.
I thought it was just me who couldn't access their Watch History anymore. Please bring it back!
Please bring it back!
Please bring back the watch history list.
i used it often & consistently for my personal record keeping & to keep up with various shows i am watching.
i am very disappointed that it is gone & may not renew my subscription if it is not brought back.
please bring back the watch history list!
I miss my Watch History. My memory is terrible. It helped to know what I watched and where I was in watching. Please, restore this feature!
Honestly I've been going crazy trying to find where the Watched History tab was on the new format, because guess what, I frequently utilized this feature and obviously I wanted to see what Ive watched. This feature was a huge plus for users and an advantage to Viki, so I can't understand why they removed it from the new website design. Theres no reason why this shouldn't be included under Subscription & Settings or better yet, including a box under the Overview page of a users profile. From a developing standpoint, it would take almost no time at all to include this in the websites design.
Hopefully this can be added back soon!
I say there should be an option to turn it on/off. Or perhaps the developers should create an editable menu in which you could choose what elements of the menu you want to see.
I have not posted more on this but not because I am happy with the decision to kill history. It gets more and more aggravating for me. I am someone who introduces kdrama (Viki) to my friends. I usually have a couple of active shows plus the one I am currently watching. Since I have already seen the ones I show my friends all the episodes show already watched. It is a total pain to try to make sure I am on the right episode for my guests. Please, please give us back this feature as an option under some other menu if you like. I am a programmer with over 30 years experience working with databases as well. I know how easy this would be to implement (restore).
Please bring back or make the option available to have a watch history.
where is the watch history button ? I used it all the time, I do not care for this new format, I don't undestand why developers mess with good things!!! stupid move in my opinion, seems like others feel the same way I do
I’m new to VIKI, so thank you all for the warning. Keeping manually my watch history in a spreadsheet is not new to me (I moved to VIKI from N). I better get started.
Please bring the watch history back!!!!!! Thanks.
i was looking for the Watch History so I could delete a terrible drama I watch from my page.
The replacement for Watch History continues to be just awful. As a professional developer for decades I just cannot understand the removal of Watch History. It should have been moved to a different part of the interface, not removed. You obviously have all the information you need in your database. Providing it to your users who are completely screwed by the incompetent implementation of Continue Watching would solve everyone's problem very easily. Just put the old code under Profile. Your new feature does not work correctly at all. It is a disaster. Please fix it before we all find a better way of watching Korean shows. I am very frustrated.
I was interviewed by your development staff prior to these new changes being implemented. All my feedback was ignored.
Tbh, I watch on multiple devices all the time and I have my family watch on my account as well. So, it helps me see where I left off on a certain show, but I hate that I can't find it because there's like a million other shows being watched and now I can't find it. AND/or those shows are still there because someone left before the credits could roll so it's still saying someone hasn't finished it. So it's still there...... Being able to edit the watch history really helps me clear out if someone's finished this or isn't going to keep watching a show. Or you know, delete a show I'm not going to watch after watching the first episode or so...
please bring watch history back. Very frustrating and time consuming trying to look for my shows
Please bring back the watch history, I am incredibly shocked that it erased my watch history. It's been years since I last watched on Viki and I came back to check what episode I'm on, in one of the dramas that I used to watch. Now what welcomes me is an empty watch history??? I'm so sorry but this is maddening and I am not very pleased with this.
Bring back watch history please. It’s frustratingly difficult to remember which episode I was on. I recommend Viki to my friends but not if it’s not user friendly. Why change something that was working fine?
Just received the message that you’re working on it. Many thanks.
I too would love to have the Watch History back in addition to the current Continue Watching, so I can see exactly *when* (day and time) I watched something, which CW doesn't show me. I'd also *like* to only keep shows I'm actively watching in my Continue Watching, but since Watch History is gone, I feel like I have to keep shows I've finished on there so that I have a record of what I've watched, since sometimes I forget to rate a show or put it in one of my collections.
Is the watch history gone again (website)? It was there a few weeks ago....
I miss watch history, I have watched so many dramas on Viki at this point that I don't remember if I watched a particular show just by the title. And since I didn't use my collections since I started watching shows on Viki over 5 years ago, that's not going to help.
Viki please bring back Watch History! It helps me keep track of what I've enjoyed in the past and whether I want to try those shows again!
Giving this a thumbs up. I´d like to have it back too. I want to (re)find the things I liked most to find similar shows and movies.
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