I would like to have a list of ALL my Watch History in Viki
What: I would like for the watch history to cover ALL I have watched since joining Viki.
Why: Currently the Watch History is limited to a few weeks prior to the current date. This would be useful to keep track of what I have watched or stopped watching. This would allow us to know what we have liked and disliked.
Where: In the "Watch History" in every user account in the Website.
Great idea!!!
That would be great! Please, make it possible.
Love it! Great idea!! :))
I love it!. Please make it possible. Thanks!
I would like the history of dramas watched in a separate file from the dramas I am currently watching. Other wise now I have to sort through episode after episodes of a finished drama to pick up on episodes of other dramas I am still watching....
Great Idea!
please bring back the watch history list.
i used it often and am very disappointed that it is no longer available!
i will likely not renew my subscription if this is not addressed & re-instated.
please bring back the watch history list.
I can't remember the name of some shows that I watched, so I could give recommendations to a friend, and now the watch history is gone. Don't tell me to look for them by the actors' names; I don't know them, either. This is terrible.
Now I have a few dramas in a continue following. However they are mostly dramas i have completed. And some I am following are still not on there. Also come when I do click on to one of the dramas I am watching the episode number is wrong and then I have to fast forward on a numerous number of episodes to get to the right episode. I have complained because Viki just refuses to keep their customers up dated to what they are doing... The designers seem to be making the history worst. I don't want to be a complainer but I do pay my $9.99 every month. I watched Drama Fever for like 10 years or more and their design was so easy to follow. I never had to search and guess . I understand that Viki is NOW trying to make improvements, but they do not care to share what is being done or what needs to be done to us. We are just expected to fumble along.
As everyone above has the same kind of problem - I would like to say that please bring back the history option - I would be grateful if it will be like before - Like before we were able to view our watched dramas - Its hard to find which episode I was watching before when I open viki again
Great idea!
Yes! Bring back the record of what I have watched please. Often I sample a few new ones that are on air with the idea of returning to them once they are completed, then most times I forget what I tried two months ago and need a history to remind me to finish them. Also I have 9 friends who have started watching Kdramas and ask me for referrals to their next drama. Many prefer the old hallylu wave classics that I watched five years ago but I can't scroll back to recommend them. It's important I have the info to share with new viewers. Four of them have a Viki App and three are considering it but have only been watching it for a few months. on Netflix. We need to able to spread the Viki love!
Please bring back the history....it's really difficult to track the shows we've seen. It's also (relatedly) also almost impossible to find the latest released episodes for shows one is currently watching. There used to be a calendar indicating which shows were releasing new eps for each day. Please bring that back!
The interface used to be so great....but it's becoming more and more like Netflix (which is not a compliment---Netflix has the worst search options ever--all designed to make you watch what they want you to watch).
I just realize that my watch history is gone. ??
I deleted several items from my "continue to watch" before submitting a review thinking I could go to my History and review them from there.
This make me so sad. I know you're working hard to update the site but some things should stay the same, for me the "History" was so very, very convenient.
Hmmmm, let's get rid of the History and add Movie Rentals, not a fair trade.
Thank you
I would like this feature too, thank you!
yes, I would like this feature back too.
I would appreciate being able to access my watch history as well!
I think they took our watch history away which makes me so frustrated. If everyone here will go to Viki ideas and ask to have that maybe they will if enough of us ask for it. All other apps I am on and pay for give us that.
Yes, I was very disappointed to see that the watch history was removed. It was a great way to catch up on shows/movies I wanted to continue watching or rewatch. I also like to reference them and share them with other people so they can enjoy it as well on Viki. Please bring the watch history feature back!!! It's absolutely a need!
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