Different profiles with the same account

I think it would be an amazing thing to add.

You already know Netflix, right? Well, it lets you have different profiles with the same account. I think it would be really useful because when I pay for the viki pass, I don't have the possibility to move from that profile, so if another person uses that account and watches something different, that will be all on the same profile... I don't know if you got what I meant tho



  • I agree too. I wish Rakuten Viki would be the same. Since my mom likes Chinese and Korean Dramas. I only care for the female K-Pop Idols like Girl's Day Yura and AOA Seolhyun. Plus the K-Pop Athletic Sports games.

    Yeah I wish it has the same formula as Netflix. Since I bought a Roku Ultra, by setting it up in the living room. Since I use Viki on my computer, Tablet, and smartphone.

    I guess I would leave it signed in 24/7.

    Yes, I wish Viki would have 2 users at least. For example, me and my mom, under my account. Unfortunately that's not the case. They need to bring up their A game a bit. Since Viki has way more selections of K-drama.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • I really wish they had multiple profiles. Netflix, Hulu AND Disney Plus have it. It would be so beneficial for houses who have multiple watchers cause me and my sisters don't watch at the same time or pace. This would be more useful than the history update they did. 



    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • Please we need one account two users or my wife killed me! ( Joke of course)

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • I would also really love profiles.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • There is 3 of us in the same home. All 3 of us likes different shows. But also we like the same shows too.

    But we watch at different times and differnt rooms. So please add where you can do like Netflix with multiple profiles on the same account and thank you

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • Please add at least two profiles for the same account, so nobody bothers each profile. Viki should listen to suggestions from customers. Netflix has it and many others too. thanks

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • Please add different profiles for family members.  Like Disney + and Netflix.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • Having separate profiles would be a huge help, especially to avoid stumbling over each other when watching the same series.  Even Amazon Prime has recently added this feature.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • Please it would be a nice feature if you could allow people to create different profiles under one account similar to other streaming services. This way that you can watch what you want to watch while the other person using your account can do the same without overlapping videos or watch history. It would be excellent if this was available on all platforms. Thank you!

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • This would definitely work for my family and friend benefit. I pay for Viki plus and my friend wants to see this show that is only available on plus. So I signed into her phone so she can enjoy it as well. But it does get frustrating because we are on different episodes. It would be really cool and helpful if we had our own profiles. That way we can watch whatever we like whenever instead of fighting over one account.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • I'm with everyone else on this. We have three people in our household. My disabled son sometimes want to watch the same shows, but we can't because we aren't watching at the same pace. It's kind of frustrating. This is especially true when you are paying for plus.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • For sure this feature is a must on a streaming platform. Hope Viki team read our messages and take action. I a must in 2021.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • I Agree!!!

    There are two of us in the house watching. we are watching the same shows but at different times since are work schedule is different. When you watch a show, your profile remembers it, and sets you up for next episode. But if we are on different episodes, it gets confusing, we don't remember what we watched and didn't yet watch, so we have to keep previewing the episodes.

    My wife might be on episode 22 while I'm on 17, but when i sign on, it jumps to episode 23 and when I go back, I don't remember what episode i last watched since VIKI shows that all the old episodes are already watched!! so I have to keep previewing them to figure out which one I left off at.  REALLY REALLY Frustrating !!!!!!!!

    VIKI - Please fix this issue so we can have multiple PROFILES. This is not right, you are forcing customers to buy sperate accounts for each family member! That is not right, or fair for your customers.

    All other streaming platforms do this, why can't VIKI do this as well????? 

    "Un-Happy Subscriber" 

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • I would also love this. My father started getting really into this stuff, but I hate my watchlist getting messed up since we watch some of the same shows but at different times. Please please add this feature.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • This.  100% this please.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • I love this idea. Please consider it 🙏

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • This would be great. My husband and I watch at different paces  and we like some different shows, but they all have to be on my watchlist. At least 2 profiles per account would be great. I subscribe to viki plus and think in this day and age only 1 profile per account is rather shabby. I love the programs offered, but would sure like to share more with my husband.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • This would be so helpful. This is also a basic feature of streaming apps at this point. It makes this service seem archaic without it.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • Michelle (CX) @... Jenny @...

    It has been 2 years since this idea was proposed, please keep this feature in mind. Having multiple profiles on a streaming account is a must in these days. We are all waiting for this feature, please do not delay another year without listening to us😢.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • Agree, it's a kind of shame these days. I have an issue as my wife and daughter wanna watch the same titles which is unfortunate to track progress having only one profile.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • I would love to have this feature so my sister and I can watch the same drama at the same time. Our schedules don’t allow for us to watch together. Right now, one of us has to finish all episodes of a show before the other can watch it.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • I been subscribing for years and agree it is ridiculous every streaming service I subscribe to Netflix, Disney +, Hulu, Bet, Starz, HBO Max, etc all have profiles but not y’all. I don’t care if you charge a little extra money at this point for the screens…just make it happen cause y’all not having this very basic feature is annoying.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • This would be really nice, please try to implement multiple profiles!!!!

    My father and I use this and it's not ideal to share the same profile.


    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • I was looking for this option today because a family member wanted to watch a drama which Viki offers. So I wanted to make a profile on my account just like Amazon Prime and Discovery+ so things don't get mixed up. But it seems it's better to make a totally new account?

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • Dear Rakuten Viki Team,

    I am writing to you as a devoted user and an ardent supporter of your platform. First and foremost, I want to extend my appreciation for the diverse range of content you offer. It's truly a privilege to have access to such a rich collection of shows.

    However, I felt compelled to express a concern that has been lingering in my mind, and, from what I've observed, in the minds of many others in our community. I recently considered posting a suggestion for the introduction of multiple profiles per account, akin to other streaming platforms. Before doing so, I consulted your guideline and learned that before posting a new idea, we should ensure the idea doesn't already exist. To my surprise, I found that this very idea has been repeatedly requested across various topics and has garnered significant support over time.

    It's disheartening to see that despite the recurring nature of this request and the clear demand from your user base, there hasn't been any apparent response or acknowledgment from Rakuten Viki. This feature, while it may seem minor, has become a staple in the streaming service industry. Its absence on Rakuten Viki not only sets the platform a step behind its competitors but also disrupts the viewing experience for users like myself.

    I understand that every feature request comes with its own set of technical and operational challenges. However, given that this has been a recurrent topic of interest, it's crucial for us, the users, to understand the obstacles preventing its implementation, if any. Transparency in this regard can foster trust and understanding within the community.

    I genuinely hope this message serves as a constructive critique. The intent is not to cast a shadow on your service but to highlight an area where there is evident room for enhancement. Listening to users is the cornerstone of any successful platform, and I firmly believe that addressing this particular request could significantly improve the user experience.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • Yes please, I completely agree with @AS.

    And please also consider Viki Pass Plus in Europe.

    Since we are many subscribers here, we also would love to have the improvement of features that other countries already have.

    Thank you in advance!! And thank you for your hard work and for providing wonderful content!

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • They don’t seem to help much when it comes technical requests or improvements. I fought with them for weeks about the update. To be honest I’ve not seen much change. Looks most requests fall on deaf ears.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • More then 4 years people asking for one account pass plus sharing with 4 differents profiles. They read us, but they never answer. And do nothing for make it better. They dont seem to care and the only want the minet. Shame of them.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • I'm looking forward to the day when another company emerges as a competitor so that we can make a switch. The series I enjoy (fantasy and period dramas) are no longer as satisfying, and the multiple profiles feature is something basic that Viki should have already added. In the end, Viki might end up like Teamspeak, failing to update, while Discord came and conquered the market, making a fortune.

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