Play Next Episode Button Unavailable
For some reason, the "play next episode" button that used to available in the bottom right hand side of the screen while watching an episode is no longer available. It was a really convenient button and now every time I want to go to a new episode, I have to click into the full episode list and select the right episode. Otherwise, I have to wait for some time for it to autoplay. I'm not sure why that button disappeared but please let me know if this is a setting I can change or something because I really want it back!
Hi accioaisha,
Unfortunately it's not a setting, and not only for you. I also have this problem and it's pretty annoying.
Yes! I don't know why the button went away! Especially when you're on like episode 50, and you have to scroll through all of them now. I thought it was just me. I miss that button, lol
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