
[Closed] The movie is Nice To Meet You

No English subtitles at all



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    This drama?


    There are English subs episode 1-5. This show is an on air show and just started on the 10th March, there are multiple episodes in one week for Chinese dramas, as I am not so familiar with them, I don't know how many exactly for this drama. From this point you should give the volunteers some freedom to do their contribution for you to enjoy.

    But if you don't see subtitles at all, check your video settings. If settings are okay, then you might have to submit a request as it seems to be a technical issue. It's the weekend so reply can take a little longer.


    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • Need English subtitles ASAP

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • Going crazy without my English subtitles my email is [EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED]

    댓글 작업 고유 링크

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