[Solved] I cannot login to Discussions
I can see Discussions all right but cannot participate. When I try to login I get an error page:
503 Service Unavailable
No server is available to handle this request.
Hello all! Please bookmark this new link for your future visits to Discussions: https://discussions.viki.com Hope this helps! :)
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HI there!
Sorry to hear that, I thought it was strangely quiet at discussions. Hope the error will be gone for you soon, as for me it is working.
Good luck!
Ha ha!
How are you, still in the cold "outside"?
What browser do you use? Oh, I forgot 503 can only be solved by the page owner. Well after the weekend hopefully there will be a fix.
I didn't understand anything about this Official Comment. The link they sent me, https://discussions.viki.com/ is exactly the same address that appears if we click the usual link under the Community menu. And of course it gives me the exact same error.
This problem should now be fixed! :) Please try logging in to your account on https://discussions.viki.com. Let me know the 503 message persists.
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Fixed, thanks!
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