[Solved] Firestick Issues: Autoplay Doesn't Work & Episode Isn't Fully Loading
Autoplay isn't working & there's no option to choose it on the Firestick. Also, there's a constant error when playing episodes. I'm continuously getting a message saying "The video failed to load." Please help. Thank you.
Hey rjbarrett1128_327,
The team is aware of the issue with autoplay not working on Fire TV and working on fixing it as soon as possible.
You also mention you keep getting "The video failed to load." error messages. Can I check the specific videos (ex. Where Stars Land, Ep 12) for which this is occurring for?
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I am also experiencing the same situation with the episode not continuing on and I also have a ticket # for this too;. It is # 53396.
Hi guys,
Sorry for the late response, I missed this thread-.-||
We've released the fix in our latest app version.
Please go to the App Store to update the app to the latest app version, 2.3.2.
If anyone continues to experience issues with this after updating the app, please let me know.
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