Use SUBTITLES? Show your appreciation for the subtitle team, give them ❤ LOVE!
Do you use subtitles? Do you need subtitles to understand what is being said? Do the subtitles help you enjoy what you are watching? Are you learning another language, but still need the occasional subtitle(s)?
Did you know that you can show your appreciation for the Subtitle Team of each VIKI show or movie that you have watched? How? By giving them ❤ LOVE. Just press the ❤ LOVE BUTTON. Where? In the SUBTITLE TEAM tab on the VIKI show or movie description page, BETWEEN the episodes tab and reviews & comments tab.
Did you know that you can GIVE UP TO 50 ❤ LOVE FOR EACH VIKI SHOW OR MOVIE?
WHY? I do not think many people know that they can show their appreciation to the subtitle team of a VIKI show or movie that they have watched, AND/OR that they can GIVE UP TO 50 ❤ LOVE.
In the SUBTITLE TEAM area, on the description page of a show/movie. There is an area, where you can show your appreciation for the subtitlers and segmenters by pressing the ♥ LOVE button. How much love? Are people really going to go to the subtitle team area?
1. Add that "each press of the ❤ LOVE button is equal to 1 ❤" next to the ❤ LOVE button.
2. Add that you can "give up to 50 ❤ LOVE" next to the ♥ LOVE button.
3. Add another ♥ LOVE button directly on the show/movie description page, next to the subs by (Subtitle Team name).
Thank you for your time and consideration.
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