답변함 I can't chromecast diana_matungwa_12 2021년 05월 18일 16:17 팔로우 Why do I have problems to chromecast from my phone to TV.? And I paid the most expensive Viki pass 0
Hello both,
We're sorry to read you're experiencing these issues with Chromecast.
To make sure this is not an app issue can you please try the following?
Are you still having the same issues with the Viki app and Chromecast? If so, can you please provide the following information?
Same here... well, at least something similar is happening to me.
Whenever I try to use Google Chromecast from the Viki App on my phone, nothing happens on my TV.
However, I am able to use the Google Chromecast feature on my laptop (casting from my laptop to the TV).
Certain devices work, others don't. Rebooting router, reinstalling apps that was all a waste of time.
Hi china_862,
You may refer to this post for a list of the current Chromecast issues and follow the relevant ones for updates.
So much work!
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