
[Closed] Watch list - web browser doesn't show all my watch list


On my web browser, when I click "watch list", why does it not show all my saved stuff.  But on my mobile app, I can see every tv show/movies I added to my watch list.   




  • Hello,

    Thanks for writing to us! 

    To make sure this is not a browser issue can you please try the following?

    1. Log out from your account
    2. Clear your browser cache and cookies How do I clear the cache and cookies on my web browser?
    3. Close your current window, then launch a new window
    4. Log in to your Viki account
    5. Try again from another browser (eg. Chrome/Firefox/Microsoft Edge)

    Are you still experiencing these issues? If so, could you please share the following information?

    • Does this issue occur on your other browser types?
    • Browser version and operating system. Click here to see all related information.
    • Have you checked that you are logged into the same account as your mobile apps?
    • What are the episodes/shows that are not appearing on your Watch List? Please give examples. 


    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • Hello,

    It seems to only effect google chrome but not my Microsoft Edge and Firefox.  I mainly use google chrome.  I cleared by cache & cookies and still have the same issue.  I have 49 tv shows added to my watch list.  Google chrome only shows 30 out of 49.  On Edge/Firefox it shows all 49 tv shows.  

    I checked my mobile app and it's the same user account and it shows all 49 tv shows i have added to watch list.  

    It's not the end of the world if I can't see all my watch list, I can just use Edge/Firefox.  


    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • Hi hatake718,

    We're able to load all 51 titles of your Watch List while on our Chrome browser here.

    As it could likely be a browser issue on your end, please try the following to see if it helps:

    • Check that your Chrome browser is updated to the latest version under settings
    • Remove the Chrome browser from your device and reinstall it again to restore the default settings

    If the above does not resolve the issue, we suggest using Firefox or Microsoft Edge browser since it works alright for you.

    All the best,

    댓글 작업 고유 링크
  • I am having the same issue on my roku.

    댓글 작업 고유 링크

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