
[Closed] English subtitles suddenly missing, reappearing, missing again

I am using Chrome watching "Three Bodies." English subtitles functioned well yesterday but today they couldn't show. A moment ago they could display for a moment. And then when a new episode started, English subtitles failed to show again. I went back to the old episodes I saw yesterday. The English subtitles that showed yesterday now just are all missing. The system is really unstable. In the mean time, all subtitles in other English function normally.

I see there are other posts about English subtitles problems that were allegedly "solved." The problem is definitely persistent and not solved at all. The so-called "fix" hasn't fixed the problem.





  • 공식 댓글

    Hi ynagato1_288,

    Thanks for writing to us with your subtitle concern.

    We're aware of this issue on Viki and we apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. 

    Do follow this post for more information/updates as this duplicate topic would be closed.

    We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.

    Thank you,

    댓글 작업 고유 링크

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