[Closed] Log in Issues
Hi, Why am I getting this message when using my email to log in on the website? "There was an issue with recaptcha verification. Please try again." I had to log in using Google and it worked, lucki...
Messages Upgrade
May I suggest some upgrades for Messages? 1) Being able to add other members to existing chat groups 2) being able to select individual posts within a message to delete them after reading. Thanks
[Closed] Watch Party
Hi Viki Help A group of friends wanted to see a drama on Watch Party. Unfortunately, after your system was upgraded, the WP feature has no pause, FF and Rewind buttons. Even the chat screen doesnt ...
[Closed] Restricted shows
Hi, I am a Gold QC member. Currently I am able to see some shows that some of my friends in the US are unable to see. May I know why those members are unable to access the dramas, even though they ...
[Closed] Disqus bubble
Hi, On my iPhone, when I click on a drama's Reviews and Comments and then click on the Disqus bubble next to my ID, it takes me to the Disqus website and doesnt show me my unread tags and messages
Please introduce an option like in phone texts or Whatsapp where we can delete individual messages in a chat.
[Closed] Messages
Hi, is there any way we can delete individual messages within a chat in our personal Viki Messages option?
[Closed] Something went wrong
I see this message on all my computers this morning when I try to log in
[Closed] Website issues
I cannot access my subscription and settings, profile, collections, help center from the website. I get errors like “request entity is too large” or “something’s gone wrong”. Nor can I open Cast ...
[On-hold] messages
Hi, From early this morning, I have been getting more than 30-40 old private messages that I received in Viki Messages in my personal gmail account. Is there some issue with the Viki Messaging syst...