[Solved] 8 tries to log on, Site is running oddly, 500 dog errors moving from screen to screen - crashing??
Trying to log in via Google - and it took 8 tries. I tried to move from mailbox to my profile, 500 dog errors x 2. It is laboring even going that way. I have reports from 2 other volunteers they...
Problem with sync? on a video we're trying to subtitle - Perfect Couple 27 is out of kilter? seg is not matching the sub editor!
I just put in a ticket but am wondering if there may be more than ours having trouble with this. Essentially - our segmenting is not what's coming up in sub editor. The location and number of bl...
[Solved] 500 DOG errors, CANNOT get into SUB OR SEG TOOLS! YET I can get into my MANAGE menu on cover so...?
I can't get into the drama to work on it at all - I tried Ming Lan, Perfect Couple, Jumong. On ML and PC I can get into my proper MANAGE key menu on the cover so...this looks like a more general p...
503 SERVER NOT AVAILABLE. 11:30 PM Mountain Time Zone USA - 2/28. Can't get it to lock, save, nothing!
Kristie and ye boffins, 503 total meltdown seems to be happening here. :( Things started lagging, now it's crashing when I try to do anything. I'm in 44 Ming Lan by the way. I'm guessing though t...
SUB EDITOR WILL NOT LOAD THE SUBS TONIGHT. "We're aware..." but twitter status says you are NOT!
Hi Kristie and ye boffins. Tried to load 7 Jumong to do a final edit on it and it will not come up. 10 minutes later, still "trying to load, we know about it" message. Does not appear to be some...
Cover page - Pending Drama - Cannot get the TEAM NAME to take in the Manage menu!
On two of my pending dramas, the TEAM NAME of "MEI DAXIA" won't stay put when I place it there in the menu in the Team page of the manage key menus - I have tried several times on both of these ...
[Solved] Can't seem to stay logged in with GOOGLE - keep getting booted into SANDBOX and unable to work on the drama!
Just a few minutes ago - 1 am my time, Mountain Time Zone, Denver, Colorado USA - I was editing 4 Jumong when I went to change sections and got booted out into SANDBOX. NOTHING I do gets me back in...
[Closed] PRIVATE MESSAGING IS COMPLETELY DOWN. Cannot send, respond to messages..and cannot therefore sub call?
Well, the PM boxes are not working at the moment. Not out of private mail or the manage function in the cover page to call volunteers to the waiting episodes. (Or answer people who need help too...
[Solved] HELP! Kristie and the Boffins, we're having some major thing here - Missing eps, missing subs, completed work everywhere suddenly???
Something really jacked this morning. Yanxi Palace when I left last night 1:30 am had 8 fully subbed eps. 2, 7, 8 only are now there and show ZEROES and also act like the VIDEO JUST ARRIVED. Loc...
[Solved] Projects, Contributions, Manage keys, all missing. Can get into one of my projects but will it save etc?
Kristie and friendly people...something is seriously not happy - No subtitles show up on Ashes of Love on the Roku (I tried that as I knew it had subs for sure and nothing came up) Oriental Odysse...