[Solved] subtitles
i just watched 131/2 episodes of Devilish Joy only to be left hanging for the last 21/2 episodes because there are no subtitles!! It's not the first time either.
I am a subscriber of your Viki pass plus and have been enjoying your dramas but frankly your subtitles leave a lot to be desired. Many of your subtitles have improper grammar and very poor spelling, which is annoying when your trying o watch a program and read at the same time But to leave a program with no subtitles and not seeing the ending because you have no clue whats going on is just bad business! I've had this happen at least 4-5 times and i don't feel i'm getting my money worth. PLEASE fix this problem and get a professional editing team working on your subtitles!!!!
The same happened to me in the EP 13 of Devilish Joy no more English sub.
i enjoy this Drama and would to finish it.
Thank you rneve_ 54
Hey welchbaby57_519 & rneve_54,
We don't actually translate or subtitle content ourselves; instead, our passionate volunteer community (people like you!) subtitle content on Viki. You can learn more about our volunteer community here.
As Ep 9-16 of Devilish Joy were just released, the subtitling process is still ongoing.
You can check a video if it has been completely subtitled by referring to the subtitle completion percentage at the bottom of the video thumbnail. Follow the channel to get mobile notifications from the Viki mobile app when subtitles are completed. For more details on how to do this, please refer to this FAQ.
If you wish to request subtitles for a particular show, you can also fill out this form and we'll do our best to make it happen.
Thank you for the information. I didn’t know what the % was so in the future
I will be looking on the beginning page to see the % of the CC is.
Thanks for the fast response. rneve_54
Viki should not have released it if the series had not been fully translated. We pay for this. Don’t make excuses. Show it, or take it down. And lose customers. We’ve been burned enough this year.
While I realize that the translation is done by volunteers, we as subscribers pay viki to see that it’s done as well as correct.
I feel it’s Viki’s Responsibility to at least have a editing department to monitor these shows before you release them.
As a paying customer I don’t enjoy the frustration that this causes and when recommending this service to my friends and family I have to warn them that this occurs many times. Viki is doing themselves a bad service by not checking to see if the job is done properly. In doing so your losing viewers and giving yourselves a bad name, and making your loyal customers look for a better service.
Please do something to correct this. As you can see by my viewing history I really do enjoy your programs and don’t want to change services, but will if you can’t fix the problem.
Thank you for your time