[On-Hold] Not receiving Community Newsletter in Email box
I'm addressing an issue that occurred last year, got solved, but it seems it has reappeared. I did not receive the last email from the Viki Community which was about the Rewards hinting as of January 15, 2019.
The last newsletter I received was about the special badge around December 14, 2018. I'm guessing it's likely the soft bounce issue. As the ticket is closed and the ttread of the old topic is long I just created a new one since other German fellows have voiced that they did not receive the last newsletter as well.
FYI this was the issue and answer last time: "As Camille mentioned, you were not receiving your QC newsletters because your email got blocked due to multiple previous soft bounces. Your email has now been unblocked and you should be enjoying benefits now."
Thank you for looking into it and fixing it again.
Best, Simi
Hello everyone,
Thanks so much to simi11 for bumping up and calling attention to this. We recently switched our email service provider and we need more information to troubleshoot this.
You can help us by answering this quick survey. We are gathering the details and will find a solution to this as soon as possible.
Thanks again to everyone for your continued patience and support.
same here. sometmes i get the newsletter, sometimes not.
the last two ones i didn´t get
Hi Simi and teufelchen_netty_266,
Thanks for informing us.
I've alerted the team and they will be investigating.
I'll let you know once we have a conclusion.
I am experiencing the same problem. I didn't get the newsletter of January 15th (Reward hinting). I did get the newsletter about welcoming Amy to the team, though...
Kind regards,
@Kristie, I just found out I actually received the VikiCommunity email 20 days ago when Viki was introducing a new staff member Amy. Just wanted tell you, thanks Simi.
Hey Simi, teufelchen_netty_266, and Sarah,
We've just removed all filters that might cause emails to get blacklisted and removed from the email list for QC newsletters, so you should be receiving all of them henceforth.
Do check and let me know if you receive the newsletter come February!
Unfortunately, we won't be able to resend the QC newsletters that you guys might have missed. If you have any queries regarding those, don't hesitate to PM our Community Managers about them, @amyk, @camiille, @jimmy_l, and @giant_sean.
Also @simi11, as it's possible that your email was blacklisted again due to soft bounces, do ensure that you delete old emails from time to time to make space for for the new email to get delivered into your inbox!
@... @...
Since my ticket from 2 years ago is closed I'm writing in this post; I'm again not the only one with this issue. Here a link from 2 years ago: https://support.viki.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360000471467-Not-receiving-QC-Newsletters-Ticket-370291 Look inside the answer from Kristie something about "softbounce /blacklisted" perhaps it's again the same issue.
The last QC letter I received on January 30, 2020. Some folks now not receiving it either or only in portions have expressed this in discussions forum see links here: https://discussions.viki.com/t/qc-newsletters/18702/40 and here https://discussions.viki.com/t/qc-gifts-2019-not-received/27929/18
Thank you again to look into it, I will link this post with the discussions forum so perhaps folks can add here their comments. I'm not sure if this is connected to the implemented new Viki Inbox, where was this mail supposed to go? To the Viki Inbox or the person's normal email?
Best, Simi
Hey Guys!
mdyer3648_404 Hi Maria, I believe you are in a complete wrong Topic, this thread was about not receiving QC Newsletters, your issue has to do with Viki subscription and Roku.
Please create a new topic with your subscription topic so it can be taken care off or file for a ticket with the "Submit a request" which is on the top right dashboard, click on that and fill out the form. Good luck, Simi