[Closed] Subtitles
I enjoy the TV series and movies shown on VIKI but I simply must have subtitles. I understand this streaming service uses volunteers, who receive perks. My comment and issue is why with all the subscribers you have could you not make a greater effort to get the shows subtitled in a timely fashion. I read the discussions and the subtitle teams spend time telling folks to stop putting other streaming sites in their comments, but I can see how some people will just go to those sites to watch shows.
i support proper licensing so that all involved receive compensation for their work, but I believe if I had known my signing up for VIKI was just to watch the shows I would have just continued with the streaming service I was using. For me it's like you sold me a car but I have to wait for someone to loan me a steering wheel before I know where I'm going.
I don't know if you will even read my post, but Subtitles are a must if you are serious about expanding into other countries. Thank you. Respectfully, Barbara Sheers
Hi Barbara,
Thank you for giving us this feedback.
We are definitely working on ways to improve the service and speeding up the subtitling process.
In the mean time, what I'll strongly suggest is for you to Follow the channel to get mobile notifications from the Viki mobile app when subtitles are completed. For more details on how to do this, please refer to this FAQ.
If you wish to request subtitles for a particular show, you can also fill out this form and we'll do our best to make it happen.