Not everyone wants to restrict viewing.
Forcing everyone to enter a PIN is ridiculous.
Why not have a setting to ask if age restriction is desired on the account.
Most streaming sites ASK if parental control is wanted!!! They don't FORCE us to have to enter a PIN!
please remove this ridiculous thing
If trying to account for all consumer needs make this a profile level setting versus the current ask. It is annoying and wastes time.
Why do we have to add a PIN to access.
How is this not configurable?
Additionally the PIN input doesn't work very well on the app on Chromecast, so I have to fuss with it. This is a bug, not a feature. Fix it!
I completely agree, allow users to disable the pin. Not everybody is under 18 or has kids in their homes, so not everybody has use for it.
Now my quadriplegic mom can't watch certain things on viki with the stupid pin code! She does everything through voice and she CANNOT speak the pin code in. She CAN'T use a remote! Viki made it an accessibility issue!! Parental controls should be in the settings to turn off and on NOT through a pincode you have to enter EVERY time. What were they thinking.....
Give customers the right to disable age restrictions, having to enter a PIN for each episode is extremely annoying! Not every household has children!
Please remove the pin required to view. I have asked before it was removed. Now it’s back. I am 64 and have no one else living here. Parental controls should be under our control and not forced on us.
I am 75 years old and woul like to get rid of the 5 digit age restricted pin.
Requiring a pin is an accessibility issue. Viki is discriminating against disabled persons.
Get rid of pin code please
Try hitting ok before trying to enter pin and it may go to first digit.
Frustrating that I cannot access my Viki account without a pin to watch on my tv. Stop with the pin restrictions requirement.
I am seriously considering canceling this subscription this is nuisance Iqiyi doesn't have this. If they have it the least they could do is give the ability to disable this feature. Everyone that would access this on my account is over 18 this is an feature that is not needed.
Make pin optional. I would hate to cancel because of this inconvenience.
I am having trouble entering the PIN also. Start at the 2nd or 3rd number and can not enter the first number. I hope this will be fixed quickly. (eliminate)
Please remove this ridiculous PIN requirement!!! When I submitted a ticket you claimed that it was required by Apple! Why blame them for your problem? You have the technology and money to fix this- do it!
I have had this account for 3 years. Why mess up a good thing and then expect customers to pay for the inconvenience? If this is not removed, I will cancel my subscription.
You are ruining your business model with this kind of foolishness.
Please remove the PIN, not everybody needs this. It's not an Apple requirement, other apps don't have it.
Putting pins on accounts and not making it configurable is a result of poor product mgt who don’t know how their products are being used. In a scale of 1-10, I would rate the Viki app around a 4. You have to change product leadership to get a more user friendly product. They folks are lucky I’m not in their board of directors!
This function has become incredibly frustrating! I have no under aged children in my home!
PLEASE REMOVE THIS!!!! This should be a PARENTAL CONTROL if you do have younger aged children in your home. I am paying for this APP - so please allow me to set what I need.
Either get rid of PIN or make it an option for people who want to restrict underage children. There is no one under 71 in my house unless you include the cats. It is really annoying.
I hate to pass on bad news but the product people who manage the evolution of the Viki app are clueless. My guess is 1/2 of their target audience has either no kids or have aged out. What this means is half of us Viki users are entering a password when it is not needed (esp with Roku and Apple apps it can take time). Making this setting configurable makes the most sense. Usability is not a high priority for this app. Pray the product management team gets replaced. If they did any type of in app usability surveys, they would see how displeased their user base is.
Thank you marysmithdouglas_649. I used +(enter) and it starts with 1st number!
Still, it is annoying to have to enter the pin each time,,,,,
Having trouble in entering pin. Pin start from second digit there is no way to enter first digit . Either rectify this problem or remove the pin.
I agree with all the other comments listed here. The pin restriction is very, very, very annoying. You have to enter it for every movie or drama that you want to watch and heaven forbid you should accidentally kick yourself out of one, when you go back in you have to put the code in again. This is so totally annoying and needs to be done away with!
This pin is so annoying!!! Cant u just copy other streaming apps??? Viki is not cheap and this is annoying enough to make me want to get rid of my viki account all together!
Please remove the need for subscribers to enter a pin to view a drama. There are no minors in my home, so I don’t need this pin. Having a pin should be optional and up to the discretion of the subscriber. Also the pin is not easy to use on Apple TV.
Having a pin only works if you have inappropriate content, and having to enter one time and on every show is annoying.
If you’re really concerned about this, let us add profiles to assign pins to those we wish.