New inbox necessary improvements (Dec.2020 update)
There was a post of mine on this, but somehow it has disappeared and the contents were somehow obsolete anyway, so here is an updated version (December 2020). To begin with, because a picture is b...
What to do about abandoned projects?
Abandoned/inactive projects, especially those which have been abandoned by the English teams, are a problem. Volunteers tend to seek the excitement of new shows, possibly on-air ones, with popular ...
No regional restrictions for QC volunteers
Why? If you implement this, it's a win-win situation. For everybody. 1. FOR THE VOLUNTEERS It's the minimum gesture of appreciation for the countless hours of unpaid work many of us put in. Volu...
[Closed] Viki inbox necessary improvements
I know that many have already written about the Viki inbox. Some ideas I like better, some I don't. So here is my take on the subject. You will find my approach much simpler. I don't want you to bu...
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[Solved] A user called "anonymous" with me in Subtitle Editor
This was quite creepy. I was in Subtitle Editor, happily editing, and I saw there was someone with me in there. No avatar, and marked as anonymous. His profile page as you could expect didn't yield...
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[Solved] I cannot login to Discussions
I can see Discussions all right but cannot participate. When I try to login I get an error page: 503 Service Unavailable No server is available to handle this request.
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[Solved] Old posts in Team Discussion showing up, and awaiting moderation
In Team Discussions, one can usually find the English team's communication and the Spanish team's communication. Typically the Spanish mod, upon release of the episode, will make a thread, to which...
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[Solved] No profile photo for Shin Dong Wook
Why doesn't this actor's profile page have a picture? https://www.viki.com/celebrities/15034pr-shin-dong-wook
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[Solved] Read reviews bug
If you go to someone's profile and want to read their reviews, you can read only the 2-3 available on the Overview Page. If you click "See all", you see your own reviews! Example: I went to artemul...