Removing unwanted dramas from the preview list.
While searching for something 'new' or even 'old' I often see the same drama repeated under different sections. Recently Released, VIKI Picks, Romance, Fantasy, Drama, etc. And there are often shows that I just don't care for. I might find it objectionable because it's too silly, too much violence, or the synapses just didn't interest me to that video. A poorly written, or misleading synapsis, can turn away a viewer. When a viewer keeps running across the same videos, it would be nice if we could remove them from 'our' screen, with the option to return to them later if we should learn they are not as bad or objectionable as we first thought.
Remove those that are not interesting to us and also those already watched. On my front page, 9 out of 10 recommendations are dramas that I've watched already.
Generally, a bit more customisation of the start page. And remembering our settings if we're logged in.
Just need this - remove list so that we could customize our favourites
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