Hi, I'm having the same issue on my fire stick and we have multiple fire sticks at home. I uninstalled and reinstalled the app but it's still having the same issue.
We're aware that some users are experiencing ad-freezing issues on their Fire TV devices.
Can you help to please provide the following information to assist with our troubleshooting:
Does this freeze occur on all shows you watch? Please also provide some example movies or episodes with this issue. (Eg. Hotel Del Luna Ep 3)
Can you name or describe the ad(s) that caused the freeze?
A screenshot of the ad or ads that are causing this issue. Please let us know if it's multiple ads and what episode you were watching when it happened.
I checked the viki app and it's updated to the latest version 2.6.4 unfortunately the same issues still persists. It happens to all shows and movies. It's been almost a week since the issue started.
We are having the same issue since last week, using Amazon FireStick 4K. No specific ad and no specific show because we've tried with various shows on different days. It tends to freeze on the second ad. We have tried restarting the firestick, and logging in and out of the Viki app, but nothing helped. Please resolve as soon as possible. Thank you.
I am facing the same issue too. I downloaded the app yesterday so I'm pretty sure I'm on the newest update. I have an Amazon FireStick 4K, and (coincidentally) am watching Hotel Del Luna. It gets stuck on all episodes commercials and I have to back out and restart the episode and watch the commercials 4 or 5 times before it finally makes it all the way through. The show itself plays absolutely fine though.
i'm having the same issue with the ads...i just got the Amazon FireStick 4K and installed Viki yesterday. i'm hating life right now bc i'm so frustrated. Any resolution(s) to this issue yet?
I am having the same freeze issue when the initial ads are shown. it freezes on multiple TV shows and on Air Titles. it happens for every videos and I can't get pass the ads to view the shows. I am also running Viki 2.6.4 on firestick 4K.
Same issue here, and been this way for a couple weeks. Running the latest version. Have uninstalled and reinstalled several times. Hope the fix comes soon.
I am also experiencing the same issue with my Firestick 4K. Commercial freezes within the first couple of seconds or sometimes on the 4th commercial. I also uninstalled the app on multiple occasions. I have to either watch on my phone, laptop, and luckily my spare room has a Roku. However this is frustrating.
Hi, having the same issue. Some commercials work (for example Cadillac and amazon back to school) and most others don’t. Any updates/resolutions? Thanks!
I have also been having this issue on my FireTv (it does not seem to be an issue on my Roku). Every ad freezes. I switched to a fire tv several months ago, and it doesn’t matter what the ad is, it still freezes. Sometimes if I keep exiting the app and reloading, on the 7h or 8th try It might finally play, but if I hit rewind or fast forward, it freezes back up again.
Viki support I would like to add my observations as I don't see this information in the tickets I've read.
1) The problem mostly revolves around the longer 30 second ads. Most of the 15 second ads play correctly, but there are a couple I don't know what the advertisement is because it freezes before I know the ad.
Example: Amazon ads Joe or Hector ad freeze at about 5 seconds after starting. Chick Filet ad freezes at about 8 seconds.
2) The 15 second ads if they complete stutter at about 12 seconds before continuing to a finish. Example the Lays Cheese chip ad.
3) 15 second makeup ad freezes at 4 seconds after play
4) The Dyson ads all play correctly no issues.
5) This happens on all shows and movies and seems to follow the ads not the video selected.
6) Reinstalling, clearing cache, and restarting does not change the behavior.
7) As ads have been added over the last week I notice more 15 second ads being affected.
Wow.. yes! I have been experiencing this issue for a very long time... Seems to only happen with certain commercials.. right now the Debbie mucarsel powel political ad gets stuck Everytime.. then I get happy sometimes it goes through only for it to repeat over again and get stuck.. it really is irritating to want to watch an hour show but it takes 2 hours just to get past 1 commercial.. please fix this... I even stopped watching your app for awhile because of this issue, only to come back and nothing has changed..
For me, it does not occur on all shows. I watch several different shows during the month. However on the shows it does occur, it is very consistent. And it occurs on the same shows regardless on which computer or HDMI television I use to connect to Viki.
There's been several shows I just outright quit watching because I could not get past one commercial break for two weeks.
Reloading doesn't help because the reload goes back to before the commercial, and the commercial problem just repeats again.
I'm currently looking in other alternatives that also broadcast Asian TV and movies, such as Netflix, Google Play, Asiancrush, & SquidTV instead of continuing with Viki.
The one thing I've often noticed is this problem mostly occurs when the banner shown at the bottom of the screen is promoting signing up for viki pass to eliminate commercials - that makes it appear as if the freezing of the show after the commercial is programmed into the viki pass banner - which also covers up all the controls at the bottom of the screen.
Also, this has been going on for at least the past 2 years.
It’s been doing fine until today. It freezes after the katie Porter ad. Doesn’t even play the video of the ad, you just here the audio and after that it just freezes. Using firestick and was watching www:search first episode. I tried a different video most ads play through but if it’s the katie porter ad freezes (no video just audio).
I have had the freezing problem for months. I'm using a Firestick 4K. Please recommend a solution such as a link to the beta version that addresses the problem.
In addition, whenever the freezing problem occurs I have to revert back to the Viki home page and restart the video. The restarting point is never on the episode that I am watching and is a few episodes behind (e.g. I'm watching Episode 5, Viki app freezes, I return to the home screen, select my video and Episode 2 is started). It takes forever to get to my current episode because everytime you jump to the next episode you are forced to watch 4 commercial ads. I watch half of an episode and the same problem happens. Please help.
viki.com has gotten so annoying with commercial freezes and telling to turn off my ad blocker (which is turned off) before it will let me view a show, that I've quit viki.com. I don't mind the commercials if they run normally.
I don't like the constant freezing up of commercials.
I don't like it when the same commercial runs 4 times for each commercial break.
I don't like viki.com telling me to turn-off my ad blocker when it is already turned off.
I've switched over to another site which also has many of the same TV shows and movies.
I totally can relate to your experience. Yes, 4 same commercials in a row, then jump to the next episode and have to watch the same 4 commercials again! Viki should know that viewers get sick and tired of repeating commercials so I tune out as soon as they come on. I use commercial time to catch up on my emails. I have had my problems for months and I'm about to bail to another app like you.
I've been watching viki on my laptop using Office 360, and I have the same problem regardless of which browser I use. I have nothing to update. In another forum, many people say they are frustrated with viki, and they think viki is trying to force every to join the 'Viki Pass Plus' program.
Getting stuck with similar problem on the firestick. And seems to be specific about a very specific ad, that keeps trying to load but it will not, and it gets stuck there. Other ads will load and play normally, but this one will not. It just stuck in loading stance, frozen.
Keep leaving and returning, trying to make the episode play. Other ads will play, but viki seems to be insistent on trying to show the ad that will not play and just seems frozen.
Hi all,
Our team has made some tweaks and released a new app version 2.8.1 that would help with the ad issues on Fire TV.
While this might not resolve the issue completely, we encourage you to update to that version as there is feedback that it improves the situation.
Meanwhile, we ask for your understanding while our team continues to work on resolving this issue.
Should you want to, we suggest these workarounds too:
Thank you,
Hi, I'm having the same issue on my fire stick and we have multiple fire sticks at home. I uninstalled and reinstalled the app but it's still having the same issue.
Hi both,
Thanks for writing in!
We're aware that some users are experiencing ad-freezing issues on their Fire TV devices.
Can you help to please provide the following information to assist with our troubleshooting:
We look forward to your response.
Hi Michelle,
1. There's no specific shows or movies, I tried playing multiple videos but the ad will play for a couple of seconds then it will get stuck.
2. There's no specific ads, whatever ads that will playing during the video it will play for a couple seconds then freeze.
3. I can't exactly take a screen shot because I use my fire stick. It might have something to do with an error in the viki app on the fire stick.
I tried it again today but the same error (ad freezing) occured.
Thank you so much.
Hi xjennicajoy_396,
Thanks for sharing those details.
As we've just released Viki version 2.6.4, could you update your app and let me know if the same issues persists?
If it still persists, please let us know some example episodes so our engineers may try to replicate the error.
Hi Michelle,
I checked the viki app and it's updated to the latest version 2.6.4 unfortunately the same issues still persists. It happens to all shows and movies. It's been almost a week since the issue started.
Hi xjennicajoy_396,
Thanks for letting us know.
We have forwarded all your findings to our engineers who will be looking into this issue.
As a fix might take some time, we suggest watching on your laptop at Viki.com or on your other mobile apps while you wait.
Rest assured that we will let you know once there are any updates.
We are having the same issue since last week, using Amazon FireStick 4K. No specific ad and no specific show because we've tried with various shows on different days. It tends to freeze on the second ad. We have tried restarting the firestick, and logging in and out of the Viki app, but nothing helped. Please resolve as soon as possible. Thank you.
I am facing the same issue too. I downloaded the app yesterday so I'm pretty sure I'm on the newest update. I have an Amazon FireStick 4K, and (coincidentally) am watching Hotel Del Luna. It gets stuck on all episodes commercials and I have to back out and restart the episode and watch the commercials 4 or 5 times before it finally makes it all the way through. The show itself plays absolutely fine though.
i'm having the same issue with the ads...i just got the Amazon FireStick 4K and installed Viki yesterday. i'm hating life right now bc i'm so frustrated. Any resolution(s) to this issue yet?
I am having the same freeze issue when the initial ads are shown. it freezes on multiple TV shows and on Air Titles. it happens for every videos and I can't get pass the ads to view the shows. I am also running Viki 2.6.4 on firestick 4K.
Same issue here, and been this way for a couple weeks. Running the latest version. Have uninstalled and reinstalled several times. Hope the fix comes soon.
I Have had the exact same issue for almost a month. I have a fire TV cube. Have uninstalled and tried everything. Something wrong with your ad server.
I am also experiencing the same issue with my Firestick 4K. Commercial freezes within the first couple of seconds or sometimes on the 4th commercial. I also uninstalled the app on multiple occasions. I have to either watch on my phone, laptop, and luckily my spare room has a Roku. However this is frustrating.
Hi, having the same issue. Some commercials work (for example Cadillac and amazon back to school) and most others don’t. Any updates/resolutions? Thanks!
I have also been having this issue on my FireTv (it does not seem to be an issue on my Roku). Every ad freezes. I switched to a fire tv several months ago, and it doesn’t matter what the ad is, it still freezes. Sometimes if I keep exiting the app and reloading, on the 7h or 8th try It might finally play, but if I hit rewind or fast forward, it freezes back up again.
Hi all,
To provide an update - we have a beta version of the Viki app that would likely fix the issue you're facing.
For access to the beta version, we will be providing more details to you via a ticket on the Help Center shortly.
We appreciate your assistance in helping us troubleshoot this issue on Fire TV.
The Viki Team
I am also experiencing this issue on my Fire TV. In response to your latest post, I am interested in the beta update if still available.
Viki support I would like to add my observations as I don't see this information in the tickets I've read.
1) The problem mostly revolves around the longer 30 second ads. Most of the 15 second ads play correctly, but there are a couple I don't know what the advertisement is because it freezes before I know the ad.
Example: Amazon ads Joe or Hector ad freeze at about 5 seconds after starting. Chick Filet ad freezes at about 8 seconds.
2) The 15 second ads if they complete stutter at about 12 seconds before continuing to a finish. Example the Lays Cheese chip ad.
3) 15 second makeup ad freezes at 4 seconds after play
4) The Dyson ads all play correctly no issues.
5) This happens on all shows and movies and seems to follow the ads not the video selected.
6) Reinstalling, clearing cache, and restarting does not change the behavior.
7) As ads have been added over the last week I notice more 15 second ads being affected.
Wow.. yes! I have been experiencing this issue for a very long time... Seems to only happen with certain commercials.. right now the Debbie mucarsel powel political ad gets stuck Everytime.. then I get happy sometimes it goes through only for it to repeat over again and get stuck.. it really is irritating to want to watch an hour show but it takes 2 hours just to get past 1 commercial.. please fix this... I even stopped watching your app for awhile because of this issue, only to come back and nothing has changed..
I have been having the same issue on the app on firetv and i cant seem to watch the show at all. please fix this.
I have to keep on going back and try loading again but it seems to just stop working, quite frustrating.
For me, it does not occur on all shows. I watch several different shows during the month. However on the shows it does occur, it is very consistent. And it occurs on the same shows regardless on which computer or HDMI television I use to connect to Viki.
There's been several shows I just outright quit watching because I could not get past one commercial break for two weeks.
Reloading doesn't help because the reload goes back to before the commercial, and the commercial problem just repeats again.
I'm currently looking in other alternatives that also broadcast Asian TV and movies, such as Netflix, Google Play, Asiancrush, & SquidTV instead of continuing with Viki.
The one thing I've often noticed is this problem mostly occurs when the banner shown at the bottom of the screen is promoting signing up for viki pass to eliminate commercials - that makes it appear as if the freezing of the show after the commercial is programmed into the viki pass banner - which also covers up all the controls at the bottom of the screen.
Also, this has been going on for at least the past 2 years.
It’s been doing fine until today. It freezes after the katie Porter ad. Doesn’t even play the video of the ad, you just here the audio and after that it just freezes. Using firestick and was watching www:search first episode. I tried a different video most ads play through but if it’s the katie porter ad freezes (no video just audio).
I have had the freezing problem for months. I'm using a Firestick 4K. Please recommend a solution such as a link to the beta version that addresses the problem.
In addition, whenever the freezing problem occurs I have to revert back to the Viki home page and restart the video. The restarting point is never on the episode that I am watching and is a few episodes behind (e.g. I'm watching Episode 5, Viki app freezes, I return to the home screen, select my video and Episode 2 is started). It takes forever to get to my current episode because everytime you jump to the next episode you are forced to watch 4 commercial ads. I watch half of an episode and the same problem happens. Please help.
viki.com has gotten so annoying with commercial freezes and telling to turn off my ad blocker (which is turned off) before it will let me view a show, that I've quit viki.com. I don't mind the commercials if they run normally.
I don't like the constant freezing up of commercials.
I don't like it when the same commercial runs 4 times for each commercial break.
I don't like viki.com telling me to turn-off my ad blocker when it is already turned off.
I've switched over to another site which also has many of the same TV shows and movies.
I totally can relate to your experience. Yes, 4 same commercials in a row, then jump to the next episode and have to watch the same 4 commercials again! Viki should know that viewers get sick and tired of repeating commercials so I tune out as soon as they come on. I use commercial time to catch up on my emails. I have had my problems for months and I'm about to bail to another app like you.
I just updated my Firestick to Fire tv cube and problem solved. I imagine it's a resource issue on the sticks.
I've been watching viki on my laptop using Office 360, and I have the same problem regardless of which browser I use. I have nothing to update. In another forum, many people say they are frustrated with viki, and they think viki is trying to force every to join the 'Viki Pass Plus' program.
Getting stuck with similar problem on the firestick. And seems to be specific about a very specific ad, that keeps trying to load but it will not, and it gets stuck there. Other ads will load and play normally, but this one will not. It just stuck in loading stance, frozen.
Keep leaving and returning, trying to make the episode play. Other ads will play, but viki seems to be insistent on trying to show the ad that will not play and just seems frozen.
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