




39 commenti
  • Commento ufficiale

    Hi everyone,

    We're pleased to share that the Viki app on LG TV has been launched for users in the US. You may access it by downloading it through the LG Content Store and logging in with a Viki Pass account. 

    Our team will also be working on releasing the app to more regions soon, so do keep a lookout for updates on this article

    If you encounter any technical issues with the app, please send details (screenshots included) to our Help Center at and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

    Thank you,

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  • I would like see in my tv too. 

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  • it would be possible for lg smart tv's or any smarts tv's of any brand. I am waiting for this update. thanks for listening!!!

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  • Também gostaria de ver na minha smart TV LG, pois no LG content store não tem esse aplicativo

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  • Concordo com o mesmo pedido acima. Gostaria que desenvolvessem um Aplicativo para espelhar os seriados da VIKI nas TVs LG Smart. Está demorando.

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  • I would like to see the VIKI app on my LG smart tv as well, just like I used to watch DramaFever

    Thank you

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  • why is there no App on LG Smart TV.    I want to cancel my subscripition because i want to watch on tthe big scrreen!

    My smart TV doesnt download MS Edge, Firefox, Chromecast, ect

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  • Seria muito bom se fosse desenvolvido um app para a Smartphone TV da LG, que é bem vendida no Brasil. Muitos brasileiros admiram as séries e filmes asiáticos, sem contar os imigrantes desses países que moram no país. Assim, com certeza vocês teriam mais espectadores por aqui.

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  • Sim, eu também. Acredito as TV LG são entre as melhores do mercado, uma pena que WEBOS não seja suportado por VIKI. Com uma velocidade media de 50 Mbit de internet tenho problema em espelhar o meu smartphone Galaxy S10, paradas, interrupções ... Eu pago pass BASIC, com certeza pagaria um mais caro com VIKI na TV, assim não dá  neh!

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  • Concordo plenamente, está demorando para criarem o aplicativo para a LG Store

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  • Peço por favor que disponibilizassem o app da Viki na smartv da LG

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  • Peço por favor que disponibilizassem o app da Viki na smartv da LG

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  • Me too! I wanna watch all these in the glory of the big screen!

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  • Me too, the navigator sucks to watcch any drama it gets stuck and does not work properly. I would get viki pass but until there's no app for LG Web OS it's not even worth it. :( 

    Please work on it. pleaseeee

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  • SO FRUSTRATING that LG doesn’t have the Rakuten VIKI app. If it is not available soon I am trashing my LG TV and returning it to Costco. Very sad that apparently LG is not listening to their customers.

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  • Just get a ROKU. Download the Viki app. Problem solved! 

    I have an older LG tv and this is an awesome solution. I've transferred Netflix, Amazon Prime and Hulu and YouTube to Roku as well, much better reception, fewer crashes or pauses. Worth a hundred bucks. 

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  • I don't want to use one of my rare HDMI-inputs for an extra box, and Roku is not available here in Europe anyways.

    It should not be a big thing to make a Viki App for LG. So +1 from me.

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  • Seriously, I don’t want another device clunking up my entertainment center.
    I just want the Viki app on my LG smart tv.
    It should be available to us.

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  • There no Rakuten VIKI app on LG smart tv. I tried the web browser but it won't work because is not compatible. I don't have other tv than only LG Smart TV. Do you have any other solution. How can I watch it on my big screen?

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  • Eu pago o plano mais caro do viki e não posso assistir na minha smart, não quero comprar um dispositivo pra assistir na tv, a minha tv já é smart pra que eu compraria o roku, adicionem um aplicativo nas smarts, vocês vão acabar perdendk usuários se não fizerem.

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  • I have an LG smart tv and right now the only way I can get to watch my shows in. Viki is to use the web browser and sign in that way. But, I've found that after 1 episode it gets very glitchy. Is there any way to resolve this issue? Thanks, Jill

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  • I'm amazed the web app on the LG tv even tv is several years old, and the web app sucks and the mouse movement sucks, and it won't stay on a website anyway. 

    Forget about the LG software, they are not going to fix this. Their web app sucks.

    GO GET A ROKU. Yes! It's worth it! I have an Ultra HD TV so I had to get the hundred dollar Roku, but they have cheaper versions, too. Roku easily downloads the Viki app and there are very FEW glitches - ever. Even YouTube and Amazon, Netflix and Hulu work better on Roku than the LG smart software. Best investment ever!

    The only downside is that the Roku remote is a bit lacking. 

    But really, I've watched hundreds of hours of Asian dramas on Viki on my beautiful 65" screen. I want to use my computer to work, not watch TV!  I've also downloaded some other specialized apps and can watch their videos using my comfy chair instead of my office chair. 

    Get a Roku. Problem solved, no matter what kind of Smart TV you have. :)

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  • Had all the same issues mentioned by many others and tried all the options (download all browsers but couldn't download any because not supported, etc). In the end, still couldn't get Korean dramas on Viki to stream on my Samsung TV. Best Buy employee recommended the $30 Roku stick and it streams great now on my 65" Ultra HD Samsung TV. Roku is a "Life Saver" since I had already paid the annual subscription!

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  • I have a new LG Smart TV and Viki can't be downloaded, can you pls reply back if Viki cant be donwloaded on an LG Smart TV, in this way we wont waste time trying hard to download Viki??  I have a Sony Smart TV and it works well on my other Sony TV.  I though Viki would work on any Smart TV?   Thanks

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  • Hi all,

    To clarify, the Viki app is not available on the LG Content Store but we will definitely take note of your feedback and requests for it. 

    Instead, we can recommend other options to watch Viki from your TV, such as Chromecast, Roku, Apple TV, or using an HDMI cable. If your Android TV supports Google Play Store, you may also download the Viki app there. 

    For more information, you can refer to for a list of TVs and devices that we do provide full support towards.

    Hope this clarifies!


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  • Since LG is Korean company and Rakuten Viki is a Japanese electronic commerce company it makes sense  that they do not support one another.  I think it would be best served to direct our request to LG who determines what would be on their LG Content store.  But good luck to us since LG is a big conglomerate multinational company, I doubt that they would even care with a few request.  Viki is still our hope to do the LOBBYING  if they even care and  want to keep subscribers  around.  Honestly,  I am pondering if I should just subscribe directly to Kocowa since they have a lot to offer as well. Maybe this is the year I switch.  We'll see.

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  • I have an LG smart TV and would like to add my voice to the many who wish that something more can be done to include this app on my TV so I can enjoy VIKI on my big screen. I have tried all the suggested methods of linking such as through my smart phone, through a tablet etc, but none seem to work. I am paying for the Viki subscription and I love the content on this app, it's a shame I have to watch my favourite shows at my PC, unable to share them with the rest of the family.

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  • O Viki precisa facilitar a vida fos usuários disponibilizando app para as smart tvs da LG. O cliente não pode ser obrigado a comprar um outro dispositivo tipo Roku para poder acessar o conteúdo do app na smart tv LG.

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  • I also want to add to this thread. Please Viki make this app available on LG smart tv. I only watch this app and I hate how I can’t see it on my tv. I pay for the subscription monthly and hate how I can only see it on my phone

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  • On my Iphone,  I installed the Viki App, then I use "Airplay" feature on my Iphone  to connect to my LG smart TV.  It works but with a small caveat.  At the beginning of the episodes,  you have to be on your Iphone and when the episode starts, that is precisely when you  switch to your LG smart TV. Airplay  doesnt work at the beginning of the episodes and as it goes  around in perpetual cycles for about 3 seconds each time.  To go around this bug, again  play the beginning of the  episodes on your Iphone and then switch to your LG TV seconds later.  I hope this helps! 


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