[Closed] Issue: Subtitles out of sync

Hi everyone!

We apologise for the inconvenience caused by subtitles going out of sync for certain shows. We are aware of this and the team is currently working on a fix.  

We'll be providing an update as soon as this is resolved.

Do click 'Follow' on the top-right of this post to receive notifications of updates :)


Latest Update - The following shows have been fixed:

  • 20th Century Boy and Girl
  • Angel Eyes
  • Blood
  • Bravo My Life
  • Cheer Up
  • Discovery of Love
  • Doctor Stranger
  • Dream High 2
  • Endless Love
  • Go Back Couple
  • God's Gift: 14 Days
  • Healer
  • Heart Surgeons
  • Hi! School - Love On
  • High Society
  • Hyde, Jekyll, Me
  • I Am Not a Robot
  • I Have a Lover
  • I Hear Your Voice
  • Into the World Again
  • Let Me Introduce Her
  • Manhole
  • Mask
  • Master's Sun
  • Moorim School
  • Ms Ma, Nemesis
  • My Heart Twinkle Twinkle
  • My Love from the Star
  • My Lovely Girl
  • My Strange Hero
  • Orange Marmalade
  • Page Turner
  • Pinocchio
  • Radio Romance
  • Remember
  • Rooftop Prince
  • School 2013
  • Secret Door
  • Secret Garden
  • Secret Love
  • Secret Mother
  • Splash Splash Love
  • Switch
  • Take Care of Us Captain
  • The Gang Doctor
  • The Girl Who Sees Smells
  • The Great Doctor
  • The Innocent Man
  • The Last Empress
  • The Merchant: Gaekju
  • The Producers
  • The Undateables
  • The Village Achiaras Secret
  • To The Beautiful You
  • Who Are You
  • Wok of Love
  • You're All Surrounded
  • You're Beautiful
  • Your Honor


109 commenti
  • @chantj_962 Did you try to log out and back in again?

    @Joshua - in a few hours last update on the problem will be a week old, there should be some news from Viki.

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  • @ Viki, if, and I say if this problem can't be taken care of by the techies, maybe you are missing manpower at the moment. It can happen. Then at least give the volunteers the technical possibility back to adjust the time difference at the start of the video. With the help of all of them it could be fixed.

    I feel, I am not the only one wondering what Viki is doing, this problem is now taking more than 3 weeks and for 1 week there is "lack of communication" from your side. I can only guess that requests are piling up, but the reason is that there is no information.

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  • Can someone please explain the root cause of this issue? 

    Also @Joshua - please take Last Empress from the list of fixed shows, it is still not fixed

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  • Hi everyone,

    Thank you so much for your feedback.

    We hear you and we understand that this has been frustrating for you, and our other affected users. 

    Our engineers are working to fix the root cause and in the meantime, we're working on manually fixing as many of the affected shows as we can.

    We expect the fix of the root cause to be completed within the next two weeks. 

    Once again, we are sincerely sorry for all the inconvenience caused and we appreciate your kind understanding and patience with us.




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  • Hi everyone,

    If the shows in the list are still not in sync for you, please state the affected episodes so that we can look into it.

    We appreciate your help!


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  • You are all surrounded

    the girl who sees scents

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  • The German Sub ist not syn from
    My Love from the Stars
    Hyde Jekyll and me

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  • Hi - please could you fix Discovery of Love please. Thanks :)

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  • My love from another star subtitles are still out of sync in every episode
    Please fix them
    Thank you

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  • Really thank you for fixed Doctor Stranger, but in the EPISODE 12 from ~ 10min30 the subtitles are always not in the right timing...

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  • I noticed The Subtitles for ‘Remember’ are also out of sync if that could please be fixed, and Thank you for sorting out the other Dramas!

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  • Angel Eyes also seems affected by this.

    BR and thank you for your work!

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  • Hi! School love on

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  • someone has already reported on March 20 the subtitles of "bel ami" are out of sync too...

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  • I saw that you fixed doctor stranger but ep. 19 is still out of sync..

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  • This one is out of sync, as well. By approximately 2-10 seconds each episode.


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  • Hola! Estoy viendo "El sol del Maestro", y los subtítulos de los capítulos estaban bien pero a partir del capítulo 13 se atrasan demasiado, y veo que dices que arreglaron uno que se llama "Maestro del sol" y no se si se refieren a "El sol del Maestro" y si es el mismo entonces más bien se atrasaron, por favor, arreglenlo 😥

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  • "The Item" episode 6 started out OK but then went seriously out of sync.

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  • Portuguese subtitles are out of sync too. I'm trying watch doctor stranger but subtitles have delay

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  • Hello Viki team, same behavior for spanish subs at Secret Garden. Tested eng subs and they look fine. Hope this can helpnfix it. Thank you

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  • In Your Honor is the same problem, please fix it. 

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  • Your Honor episode 1+2 are still out of sync for me.

    Should I take some other measures, since it's said to be fixed. 

    I tried episode 3+4 and there the episodes run fine.

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  • Drama - The Item

    2 days ago watched episodes 5&6. the subs were in sync on 5, but after that 6 auto played and was out of sync.

    Yesterday started by replaying episode 6 and the subs were in sync, but when episode 7 auto played they were out of sync.

    Is it possible that the sync fails somewhere during the transition from episode to episode?

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  • Hola! El sol del Maestro sigue con los subtítulos al español en mal funcionamiento a partir del capítulo 13...😥

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  • Can you please fix the german subtitles too ? :3 i'm currently watching Who Are You School 2015 and the german subtitles are out of sync. there :/

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  • Hi Joshua, even do secret garden shows as fixed it's spanish subtitles are still out of sync. Hope this helps!

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  • Hi guys,

    Thanks for highlighting to us the issues with Spanish and German subtitles. We're working to resolve this currently and will provide an update as soon as we can.


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  • Hyde Jeykll me Episode 1 at 33:30 went out of Syn with german sub

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  • My Love from the Star have No german subtile. But English work perfekt aus far i could see

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  • Hi,

    could you please also fix The Master's Sun?

    Subtitles are still out of sync :(


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