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[Solved] Video won't load too many times

I uninstalled Viki app and reinstalled 3 times on my iphone 7 plus and still video won't load.  I got rid of Dramafever, because Viki had more good dramas to watch, to go with Viki and now this.  It's terrible and my subscription is still good until April 2018.  What's up with that!

My company's internet is a bullet fast and still no video.  I believe this is an issue with Viki not my device or the internet.

Please fix so we all won't die from waiting!  These dramas are so addictive!



29 commenti
  • Commento ufficiale

    Hi everybody,

    We're really sorry for the issues with video playback on the iOS app!

    The engineers have already fixed the issue.

    If you continue to experience issues with video playing on iOS apps, please let me know!


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  • Same here. I’ve been trying since this morning, hoping will be solved by now but nothing. Please fix this VIKI!!

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  • Same here my videos won’t load too just the ones yoy can watch without a Viki Pass

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  • Same here. Just started this morning. Issue is on all my devices but for Viki only. It is definitely a Viki problem

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  • Same here. Was on it less than 12 hours ago and it worked fine. I also tried reinstalling.

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  • I just tried it again, and still no Viki.  Youtube works fine, no issue there.

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  • Video still won't load.

    Azioni per commenti Permalink
  • Just found out, Viki is down and so is DramaFever folks!  Let's hope they fix it by the time we all get home from work today, or I will be screaming!!!

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  • Thanks Linda, that’s good news. Central issue, not individual. Fingers crossed for fast recovery of service. Then it’s time for the gym now.

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  • are you guys watching it on iphone? my friend has samsung and it’s working fine.

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  • @rubydela_573 I am watching on my Iphone and it’s not working

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  • @ebb1542_319 me too and it’s not working for me either. it looks like the problem is for iphone users. 😔

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  • Ok, Dramafever works now but still no Viki!

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  • Yeah my DramaFever works fine, but Viki is still not working. I am on iPhone.

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  • I noticed last night that Viki has a new name something like Kocowa, has anyone seen it?


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  • I have a Sony 4K TV at home and it is an android system.  Let's hope that you are correct regarding the iPhone.  If that is the case, I should be able to watch my show tonight, otherwise, I will be screaming!!!

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  • Kocowa is another app for Asian melodramas and more, just like Viki.  Did they merge and we didn't know it?  I am just guessing.

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  • It works on my iPhone but not on my iPad..... annoyin! But hopefully it Will be solved soon 

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  • Thanks y’all for y’all comments because I though something was wrong with my iPhone but I guess I’m not the only one going through this frustrating issue.

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  • Doesn’t work on my iPhone 7. Anyone have any new updates?
    Thanks. 🙂

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  • Viki works nicely on my TV, except, had to make some adjustments i.e. delete cache etc... Now, no problem.  Certain drama works on my iPhone but not the one I have been watching.  Why the discrimination!

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  • It is weird that some dramas work on the iPhone and others do not, I wondered why that is?  

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  • I have the same problem on my iPad. I do have access on my Samsung phone.

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  • Yay, everything works now!

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  • yes! works for me now too!

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  • I’m having this problem again today it won’t load on my iPad 

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  • Blacknight has 18 episodes and I just finish watching episode 12 and now it tells me the next video is not available in my area.  Why?  My membership is still good until April 15, 2018.  Help!

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  • On my Sony 4K TV.  It was going fine since last night and now this!!!  This is getting to be annoying! 

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  • Hey lindawinhto,

    The reason why you're getting "not available in your region" error message for Ep 13 onwards of Black Knight is because this is a Viki Pass Plus Exclusive.

    There is an issue with error messages on some TV apps, causing you to get the wrong error message instead of the correct Viki Pass messaging. We are looking into correcting the error message as soon as possible.

    In the mean time, to watch the latest episodes of Black Knight, please upgrade from Standard to Plus.

    Alternatively, you can check if and when you'll be able to watch the show without Viki Pass Plus on the website by clicking on the "?" icon on the corner of the video thumbnail.


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