Subtitler Rating System for a better volunteer platform

Some time ago I started watching series with Romanian subtitles (my country language). I noticed lot of grammatical mistakes, but also errors in portioning the line of text, as well as morphologically incorrect wording. That do nothing but decrease the quality of watching a series. Believe me, all the series I've seen so far are full of such mistakes.

I understand that the translation activity is voluntary and there is no remuneration, but the quality should always be present. I recently started translating myself, so I know and understand the translation process.

Therefore, I thought it would be useful to have a rating system for subtitlers. This would make the translations done by people who translate responsibly.

At this moment, I'm juggling between Romanian and English subtitles. But if everyone did like me, then what would be the point of translating into other languages.

After all, no one was forced to volunteer. If we still want to be volunteerslet's not treat this superficially and give ourselves a minimum of interest.

believe that the my proposal would greatly improve the quality of the translation, but also of the people who are selected by the moderators to translate.




2 commenti
  • But... how can we be sure the people who rate the subber are knowledgeable enough to give an informed rating? Do you propose that anyone can vote? If not, who decides who is a good judge? I can question whether the judges are really in a position to judge. 
    Of course grammatical errors are easy to ascertain, not a matter of opinion. But often it's much more complicated than that. 

    Moreover, how can we be sure that the people rating are fair? That they don't rate according to friendship/enmity?

    It's so easy for such a system to reward unworthy people and unjustly punish worthy ones. 

    Nah, I don't trust it. 


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  • Many years ago there was such a rating system with opportunities to comment on every single subtitle by any viewer.  There was no control on who could do the rating.  For example, if you don't know the both the source language and the subtitle language, how can you comment on the accuracy of the subtitle?     No experienced moderator choosing subbers would rely on such a system.
    Done that, no use doing it again.  

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