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Latest activity by efehlow_516-
efehlow_516 a ajouté un commentaire, Got the latest update, worked fine for 3 days, then last night, when I tried to watch a show I was following, in the middle of the show I got a message stating that I had a disconnect from my Roku....
efehlow_516 a ajouté un commentaire, All the complaints regarding the Roku app problems are falling on deaf ears. I, for one, will not renew my subscription. I don't have the time to search on my laptop for a show I want to watch on V...
efehlow_516 a créé une publication, Répondu[Closed] Vicky on Roku no header impossible to search
The Vicky app on Roku has been a problem from the beginning of the year. The upper banner that allows you to search for shows/movies by country, genre, etc is missing. Unless you know the exact nam...
efehlow_516 a ajouté un commentaire, Us griping about this doesn't seem to do any good. Yeah, me too. I won't renew. They ripped me off. Lesson learned. I wish there was a way to let people know outside this forum.
efehlow_516 a créé une publication, Répondu[Closed] Roku Top bar missing
The latest update to the ROKU app still does not address the main feature ie top bar missing. Why out of hundreds of apps on ROKU that have similar layouts to make navigation easy is VIKI the only ...
efehlow_516 a créé une publication, -
efehlow_516 a ajouté un commentaire, It's been a few weeks now that Viki was told by their subscribers the the Roku layout is bad, substandard, etc, Their answer is repeatedly "we are aware of the problem". Sorry Viki, I'm not renewin...