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victoria63645_769 a ajouté un commentaire, Same issue ,glad they know they are working on it.
victoria63645_769 a ajouté un commentaire, I am so annoyed with Viki on Roku. A couple of days ago it just stopped reconising my pass plus subscription. It won't show my followed shows. I uploaded Viki bets and the same thing there. have b...
victoria63645_769 a ajouté un commentaire, Now I'm getting the 401 error.
victoria63645_769 a créé une publication, Répondu[Solved] Viki on Roku problems again
Please help. All of a suuden Viki on Roku stopped reconising my pass plus membership. I tried logging out and back in but that didn't help. It also doesn't show my followed dramas.
victoria63645_769 a ajouté un commentaire, Well it's working sort of halfway. I can watch some episodes but it doesn't recognize that I have an upgraded pass and my shows I'm following are gone. I did the system update. Hope it gets fixed s...
victoria63645_769 a ajouté un commentaire, It's working now 🙌
victoria63645_769 a ajouté un commentaire, https://support.viki.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000164208-Roku-App-Status-for-2018 Found the answer when I did a Google search.
victoria63645_769 a ajouté un commentaire, https://support.viki.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000164208-Roku-App-Status-for-2018. I found this when I did a gooGoo search for the problem. They're building a new app.
victoria63645_769 a ajouté un commentaire, https://support.viki.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000164208-Roku-App-Status-for-2018. I found this when I did a Google search about this problem,. evidently they are building a new app.
victoria63645_769 a ajouté un commentaire, Same here. I also posted about it and haven't heard a thing back which is also strange. Anyone know what's going on?