New Roku interface
Please bring back the tabs for searching content by country, genre, and type on the Roku Viki app. The user experience is much worse with the new design since you can only search for something you already know about. There is no easy way to explore and find content unless by coincidence it shows up on one of your most not-very-useful preset categories. The new design is very limiting, although if you reinstated these search tabs, that would make it much better. Thank you.
I agree. I have sent numerous emails to Viki about the rotten homepage. I just get generic answers. I don't think anything will be done and I don't know why.
I agree also. Kocowa had the same thing, but they fixed theirs. I liked the tabs. Hope they go back to it.
I also really hate selecting a show and being shown the earliest episodes automatically.... For example, for a show like running man I end up having to scroll for a while before reaching the latest episodes.
Also agree with the above comments re: tabs and genres. This was an extremely user unfriendly update.
Agree! The UX changes make the site more difficult to navigate, especially for those with English as a second language who are searching for a particular language drama.
Please amend the UX to add back in the tabs, add in a nation flag indicator for dramas, or allow a regional preference to be saved within user profile.
Side note: Don't forget to upvote the OPs suggestion. The more upvotes an idea has, the more likely it will be prioritized.
I am not able to watch movies, Kovowa movies or drama - I use Roku to stream RakutenViki
I need to see the tabs too, since I prefer to watch only Korean drama, the Korean tab will enable the search so much faster and easier
When are they going to fix this?! They updated the interface and made it WORSE!
I agree! The admins said they were going to look into this back at the beginning of February and now it’s almost may and all posts say it is on HOLD. Haven’t they noticed how many customers they’ve lost? I enjoy browsing different countries content and how the heck am I supposed to know what show I want to watch when I’m only given option to search shows by the exact title it eliminates the fun in finding new shows that are in my interests. Total garbage now. This used to be my favorite app and channel, now I don’t even know what app to use anymore.
Exactly! Viki used to be my favorite way to watch any sort of Asian Entertainment. But the new interface has made it incredibly difficult to find and watch shows. I don't care about what Viki is recommending across different languages, I want to be able to search and narrow on my own. It's absolutely ridiculous. We pay a ridiculous amount for such a subpar interface, they should have kept it the way it was.
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