
[Closed] Continue Watching

My "Continue Watching" has completely disappeared. I have signed out and logged back in, but that doesn't fix the issue. This same thing is happening on my android phone, my Sony TV app, my Samsung TV app as well as my computer. Is there a problem with VIKI? If not, is there a solution to correct this problem?



9 commentaires
  • Commentaire officiel

    Hi everyone,

    Our engineers have made more updates to assist with this 'Continue Watching' issue.

    If you are still facing the same problems, please try these first:

    • Log out, reinstall the Viki app, and log back into your account.
    • Check that your profile/settings page indicates the same account username across all your devices.
    • If you are watching on our website Viki.com, please check that you have Adblock disabled or whitelisted for Viki. Restart your browser before trying again.
    • If you are using the Viki Android app, check that you are updated to version 6.16.2.

    Do kindly note that Continue Watching/Watch Markers usually take within 15-30 mins before it is updated. Dramas/movies must have also been played for at least one minute.  

    Otherwise, do follow this post for further updates as this duplicate topic would be closed.


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  • This has happened to me as well.

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  • same here,, what a shame, Im lost now


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  • anche a me succede la stessa cosa. non c'è più continua a guardare.

    Forse è un problema generale. Speriamo rimettano la funzione.

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  • Same problem here, it must be a Viki issue, I really wish they would fix it!

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  • This has started happening now to me too on my Android viki app. Logging out and even reinstalling did nothing to help. Sigh...

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  • I have the same problem 😕

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  • Hi walshf59_954,

    We're sorry that you're experiencing this issue on the Viki app. Could you first please try the following:

    1. Log out from the Viki app
    2. Delete and Reinstall the Viki app
    3. Log back in to Viki

    If this does not help resolve the issue, could you please provide us with the following helpful information:

    1. What version of the Viki app are you using? You can find it on the app settings.
    2. What's your device and Operating System version?
    3. Your internet speed. To test this download this application and share the results: Android (http://bit.ly/2vq6G0C) or Apple (https://apple.co/2JanOzg)
    4. Screenshot of the issue or the error message you see.

    I look forward to helping you soon!


    Note: To respond to this thread, please click on "View the post" in the email notification. Responses to the email notification will not update the thread and are not received.

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  • I have the same problem where no matter where I'm signed in (computer browser, app on tablet, app on phone) the watch history is completely gone from the home page no matter how often I refresh it.

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