Manually mark episode as played / watched

Sometimes an episode I have watched becomes marked as unwatched - for example, if I click on it accidentally. This episode then shows as the next one to watch on the interface forever. It's far too fiddly to replay the ending.

It would therefore be great to have the ability to manually mark the episode as watched. I know at least one person has asked before ( but the request was not transferred to the Ideas forum.




8 commentaires
  • This must be a thing because sometimes you want to re-watch your favorite show and It's so annoying to go back the whole episode to the beginning.

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  • I am looking for this too. Especially because I often watch with friends on different accounts and everyone continues for their own later. 

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  • Aggravating. I've also had it happen without clicking on the older episode--as if the stopping point didn't get updated/saved.  Possibly has occurred when I clicked to watch the next episode when the current one was still rolling credits? IDK, but seems like a manual method would be simple to implement (if they wanted to.)

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  • I want this too. Because of not watching the episode completely and also because sometimes I have to watch the epi in another browser with signing in since I've been having a problem lately watching episodes onmy fav browser

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  • feature request! Yes, me too

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  • I am fully in favor of this feature as well. It has been needed for a while, especially if you use the Fire TV app. It never seems to update as well or as quickly as the online version.

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  • I really want that feature too. It happens on any browser but not as much as it does on android app. Even if I watch the credits too, it just keeps showing as I didn't watch it..

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  • I agree. We need a way to mark dramas or movies that we have already watched.

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