Watch History
You just removed the Watch History for Windows PC. This was a mistake. Continue Watching is fine if you are watching 1 thing and moving continuously forward.
I, like many others I am sure, watch my new shows and also watch shows with my friends. Sometimes they are not at the same point as me and I often shift back to a previously watch show to share with them.
I also rewatch shows after some time and with all the episodes already watched in full it is hard to tell where I am.
I am a advocate for Viki and am getting as many of my friends to join as I can so I can share the spirit of east asian productions; particularly the Korean.
There was absolutely no reason to remove this feature for those who need and use it. Keep Continue Watching but put the full Watch History back. I am a programmer and know this is not a big deal. The data is already there and it is easy to restore code you already wrote. My iPad Viki app still has it but I do most of my watching on a big screen with Windows 10.
I am sure I am just one of many that are upset by this change. I am a huge fan of Viki and was completely satisfied with how it was. I was also one of those contacted by your developer staff to test and give my opinion on the new interface and made it clear how important this is to me.
Please put it back. I love this site and do not want to see it go in the wrong direction. You can always add feature to make it easier for novice/simple users without disabling things that seasoned users like and use.
I watch primarily TV Dramas of all types and not movies.
I watch a lot of shows on Viki and would like to have access to the history of shows I have watched, so I can recommend them to friends and perhaps watch them a 2nd time.
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