
[Solved] discussions

am having a problem logging into discussions. the error message says something wrong with my account and contact  th manager of page. 



9 commentaires
  • Commentaire officiel

    Hi all,

    Good news! The login issue is now fixed.

    If you're still experiencing the same issues, please try to clear your browser cache/cookies first before writing back to us. Remember to also include screenshots of the error you see.


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  • @...

    Hi Mariliam, since Tuesday I cannot log in in discussions forum too, few people in our German kakaotalk group as well. I did delete history cache, it happened on Opera browser, I updated browser today and no difference.

    Yesterday I tried access from my email feeds "visit topic" but it leads me only to the Viki homepage App on my iPhone, so I'm not sure why I experience this bug, look at the screenshot, hopefully this will help the team. Thank you.

    Best, Simi

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  • @...

    I found another post referring to not being able to access discussions forum as well, perhaps you can consolidate the posts.


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  • on google chrome, I also am having a problem with not logging in,  and what's wrong with my account?  since Tuesday? how come?

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  • Hi everyone,

    We're sorry that you're experiencing a login issue on Discussions. Our team is aware of it and is working on fixing it quickly.

    We will provide updates here once the issue is resolved. 

    Thank you for your patience in the meantime!



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  • Help me see the content I pay for! Please. Viki Plus subscriber. Very upset. Mary Clark. 3/13/2020 Chicago, IL

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  • Hi mary_clark,

    As this is a separate issue, we will be responding to you via the Help Center instead. Please help to reply there as well and we'll assist further.

    Thank you,

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  • Hello 😊
    I have the same problem since a few days I am not able to access Discussions". Everything also deleted, cockies and cache Signed in and out.... Nothing
    What else can I do
    LG Gaby 😊

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  • Hi gaby_heitmann_975,

    Thanks for pointing out this issue to us! We're currently looking into it and will update you again directly through your ticket on the Help Center.

    We appreciate your patience in the meantime!


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