
[Closed] Subtitles are not on timing

hi, i am watching k drama yet subtitles are not on right timing... i tried from other dramas and same issue. 



11 commentaires
  • Commentaire officiel

    Hi there everyone!

    We’re aware of this issue and it has been answered in our post: https://support.viki.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360028951053-Issue-Subtitles-out-of-sync

    We hope this helps!


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  • Same with 'the last empress' viki please fix this!!

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  • I have the same problem. Currently watching "Secret Garden", episode 10 and it's way out of sync. Has been for a while now. :(

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  • Same on My Strange Hero.


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  • I have the same problem with “Producer” and “Splash Splash Love”...
    What can I do?! I need help
    This happens with others drama too...!

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  • at first it was fine... I was watching I hear your voice and suddenly while watching ep 4. But i checked from my history drama they are quiet fine. Thanks for your comment @sintarasaecula_410, thought i was the only one having this problem. 

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  • Same too.

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  • same with "Rooftop prince"

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  • Subs of 'My Lovely Girl' are also not displaying on time

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  • Same here..when I was watching " Bel Ami " & "ghost". 😞

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  • I got an update, that Viki is working on this problem, since it is related to many channels and video, it could take a "little" time.

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