Allow us to rate dramas without leaving a comment

Please include a way to rate dramas without leaving a comment.

I watch a lot of dramas and very much want to rate them (other than via the stars that show up midway through the drama between episodes and often come and go so quickly that my mouse doesn't even have time to connect w bluetooth before next ep is playing--not to mention that drama hasn't even finished yet!).

But I don't always have time or energy to post a comment.

I don't think that those of us who don't want to post a comment should be penalized by forbidding us to rate completed dramas!



2 commentaires
  • Hi,

    I am confused because you can actually rate a show without posting a comment. The stars that show up at the end of episodes  is not the only way you can rate a show. Each TV series has a Reviews section where you can rate the show. So if you go to the reviews section you can put how many stars you rate the episode and you can also do this without commenting.

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  • Thank you, Esther!!! Appreciate your help. I did not realize that I could rate shows (w/out leaving comments) in any way other than via the 10 stars that come up betw/episodes about halfway through binge-watching a series.

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