
[Closed] Watchlist--Where is it for Microsoft Pro users?

I've been using my private collections as watchlists. Recently I saw there's a watchlist feature for IO; am I just missing the one for MS?



3 commentaires
  • Commentaire officiel

    Hi lsbjorn,

    On both Microsoft and Mac PCs, you should be accessing Viki on the Viki website. The website should not appear differently on either computer.

    We also have the following features that can help you keep track of shows your watching:

    • Watch History - Episodes you've watched in the past
    • Following - List of dramas you'd like to get updates on (ex. when new episodes are released, when subtitles are completed)
    • Collections - Lists of dramas that you can group together in any fashion you wish

    If you're not seeing any of these, please let me know.


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  • Where can we find the watch history?

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  • Hi cara_l_song_199,

    Thanks for writing in to Viki Community Support.

    Watch History is no longer available on Viki but you can still find all the shows you are watching on the 'Continue Watching' section. 

    If you would like more options to sort your shows, you can also consider creating 'Collections'! This article will help you with creating your Collections. 

    Hope this clarifies! If you have any other questions, feel free to write to our Help Center at bit.ly/VikiHelp and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


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