
[Solved] Videos Not Loading Or Playing on Viki website/iPhone app

I am currently watching Come and Hug Me. Trying to watch episode 6 on Viki website, experienced loading error. Checked to see if it would load on my phone, same issues.



8 commentaires
  • I am having the same issue!

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  • Neither the android app load the videos

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  • I tried restarting my phone, or leaving it off, still no video. I thought it might need the update. So I updated, still didn’t work. So I deleted the app, and re-download. Still nothing. Please help us with the issue soon.

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  • Same issues on my end.  Some videos do not load for mobile phone, web, tablet or tv app

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  • Same thing is happening to me too. I’m binging My Love From the Star and episode 7 just doesn’t wanna load. I’m triggered y’all

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  • Hey guys,

    So sorry you were having issues with loading these shows

    The team has just pushed out fixes that should resolve the issue. Please try and see if you're now able to play them.

    If you're still experiencing problems, please let me know so that we can further troubleshoot!


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  • Videos not loading again, same issue a couple days ago.  Mobile app not loading either.  Keeps saying no internet connection on my phone but it's connected because other apps are working fine.

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  • Hi finallyfound678_200,

    The issue should be resolved again.

    If you're still experiencing issues, please let me know.


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