[On Hold] @Kristie just tried to use feedback to send a ticket about the 2 plus hour lag?? on server??

@Kristie - Feedback told me I am not "authorized" to PUT IN A TICKET! so I am trying this here =


Contributions of mine plus my subbers etc stopped around 2 hours ago and now it seems we "are not subbing" but we are...and this is freaky.  Ashes of Love SHOULD read 100 percent on ALL FOUR but reads only 77 percent ep 4??? And does NOT show my contributions ON profile OR activity LOG for the last edits from 25 min to the end BUT If I OPEN the ep, they are there.


This is confusing.  I have someone subbing at Ruyi stopping because we are not sure what's is happening. :( seems to have started around 2 hours ago?  we could use this solved - servers slowed on loading eps...and...???? the updates are not happening? I hope our work is not lost!


Thank you for your help. 


GeNie needs magic tonight...



8 commentaires
  • Second try to put in a ticket and it's missing BUT says it has been received.


    OOPS the page is missing it says but also "ticket received" in blue at the top.  whoa.

    Looks like going to bed = the only option as rebooting etc did not work. :(


    I have no choice also but to inform Teams we are stuck until this is solved. :((

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  • I have the same problem, been subtitling all night and the recent contributions just stopped showing up and the activity log isn't refreshing.

    No idea what's going on.

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  • Same problem for me on "The Way We Were"

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  • 6:30 am MST USA (Denver Colorado USA time) - I just tried to edit Ruyi  - Ep 1.2, 11:32.  Though it says it saved in sub editor, it does not show at all in the activity log still (last entry is my edit 13 hours ago) and my last contribution is said to be 8 hours ago at Ashes.  

    Ruyi ep 1 video playback now shows LAST NIGHT's edits now...in activity log and in the video when you play it, but not the change I JUST made in either place. (and yes I pulled up the video after I made the change - usually you can see it then. :) )

    Ruyi 3 now shows our subber was in there last night - so what got stuck last night seems to be present this morning, but if you put in a new item, it's not registering to activity log or video.  Nothing is going to contributions at all from the looks of it.

    Ashes of Love ep 4 now reads 100 percent - and my EP 1 edits of last night - 5 hours ago - now show on the video and activity log, but I touched up one just now and that's not registering to activity log or the video.

    NEEDLESS TO SAY, at the moment, the servers appear to be majorly behind...something is clearly amiss, and I hope Kristie and the Boffins are aware of this and sorting it out.  

    I can "live with" the contributions issue this morning, my biggest worries are seeing edits and being SURE the subs are not going away if we sub in and try to go forward.  I really need to get some eps out TODAY on both of these and lost time last night to this one already.

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  • And now I got a 500 dog error trying to send a Team message through the cover page.  2 tries and now I give up.  

    REALLY not sure whether to try to finish edit and ep for release or wait. :(( 

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  • Hi everyone,

    Thank you for letting us know that the recent contributions are not updating. The team is sorting it out.

    In the mean time, not to worry, this will not affect the show subtitles nor will it affect your eventual subtitling count.

    We will update again once this issue has been fixed.



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  • Hi Kristie,

    Is this issue recurring site-wide or specific to some users?

    I'm having the same issue. I subbed from 10-12 last night, and it's 7 AM the next morning, and my subtitle count has not been updated. I see the subs in the subtitle editor, but I don't see the contributions anywhere on my profile or on the team contributions page.



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  • Hey stained_rose,

    Sorry about the lag with contributions showing up.

    We were experiencing temporary system hiccups that caused this.

    The system has been cured of hiccups now and contributions should be updated again.

    If you continue experiencing any issues, don't hesitate to let me know.


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