A timeline on when Viki will begin dubbing shows to English?
I know this was posted before but I would like to ask when Viki will begin dubbing content in English? Especially the best of the best that are popular. Also, Many Cdramas and Jdramas as well, are mostly in Mandarin, Japanese or Portuguese. Many of us love eastern Asian shows over western and European so it would be amazing for us that do not understand, to have them dubbed in the soon future.
Also for those with limited vision that cannot quickly read English captions due to bad eyesight. It’s makes it difficult to keep up. Lastly, Spanish would be a great addition to many shows that do NOT have it. Being as though Eastern Asian movies/shows are becoming more popular every day, I just wanted to ask maybe when it would be in effect.
I had Viki pass Plus before but unfortunately had to let it go since my eyesight isn’t great and i don’t understand Korean, as much as I wish I did. Anytime soon with English dubbing?
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