Watchlist location

Viki recently reconfigured the homepage and now the watchlist has been moved from the second row to the eighth. I access my watchlist every time I use Viki so it's really annoying having to scroll down to find it every time. I know it's a small thing but it's annoying and inconvenient. I would love to have it back on the top where it's easy to see and find, since it's one of the things people use the most.


18 commentaires
  • I agree.  Viki, you need to move the Watchlist back to the 2nd row.  As an active viewer, the Watchlist should be at the top because I also use it to get to the new episodes.  Please put it back.

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  • I also agree.  It is really irritating to have to scroll down through 10 entries to get to my watchlist.  This is not a user friendly change to the homepage and makes it harder to watch shows. Please move the watchlist back to the top of the page.

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  • Watchlist should stay on top. Why make it inconvenient? 

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  • könyörgöm tegyétek vissza a watchlistet mert ez így borzasztó 

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  • könyörgöm tegyétek vissza a watchlistet mert ez így borzasztó 

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  • Please submit a request to move the Watchlist back to the 2nd rows, so they can hear from more people.  I submitted to Customer Service and here is the response below.  In order to create a Watchlist, I already browse through all the content to see what shows to add, so its not necessary to force "diverse content" on me.  

    Response from Custome Service

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  • Please put back the Watchlist on the second row! I know you want us to explore but we already explored and put it on our Watchlist so it's easy to go back to. 


    Thanks Admin!

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  • Totally agree with the other comments. The watchlist should be placed on the second row! In the response from customer service it even states, "Previously, your watchlist was conveniently located below the "Continue Watching" section on the landing page. Exactly, it was convenient, and Viki is aware that it was and just doesn't care what their users think! Users know how to look for new shows to watch and don't need to be forced to scroll down the page past Viki's preferred shows to get to the Watchlist. Please change this back! 

    I have messaged Customer Service and spoken with them several times. The answer has been basically that they know this change is inconvenient for customers, but they are determined to push new content and don't care what we think! They did suggest that MAYBE they would change it back n a future site update, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Maybe if more customers complained to customer service it would help.

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  • If you're looking for engagement on the site, usability and user convenience goes a LOT further than pushing "content discovery". The existence of the watchlist alone inspires content discovery, because I'm always finding things to add to said watchlist that I might not be in the mood for right now but will be in a few weeks. Making it so hard to get to will only frustrate and antagonise users.

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  • Totally agree with the other comments. The watchlist should be placed on the second row!

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  • I understand why you did it now but there is only one Watchlist and the rest (about 30 rows) are new content and more. Moving the Watchlist will not affect searching for new content since there are an overwhelming amount of other content to choose from. Plus I have my content organized in order for me to watch. I adjust my Watchlist at least once a week especially if new shows come up that were not there before. Just my opinion. Please put it back.

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  • If you do not like the new Watchlist location moved from the 2nd row, please "Submit a Request".

    I don't think anyone from Viki is reading our comments on the Forum.  

    When I submitted a Request in mid-April, this is the response from Viki.  And when I resubmit, I get the same response.  So if they hear from more Viewers, then maybe they will move the Watchlist back to the 2nd row,

    Response from Custome Service



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  • I also just submitted a request for this. It's going to take longer to discover new content if it takes longer to get through our existing watchlist because we can't find it. Most of us don't have problems discovering new content!

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  • I also want it to be moved back to the 2nd row. If I want to see new content I will go browsing and save it in my Watchlist so I can watch it later.

    Having to scroll so far down is annoying for my elderly parents.

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  • Please move the watchlist back under continue watching.  It is very frustrating to scroll down the list to find the watchlist.  Viewers should not need to be forced to view other content.  This is a turn-off, especially for paying subscribers. 

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  • I agree. I came and searched help just to complain about this too. I understand that Viki wants users to "browse," but all you are doing is annoying us, making us less likely to want to spend extra time on your platform or look at any of the rows you are trying to distract us with. Please stop ignoring all the subscribers complaining about this.

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  • Moving the Watchlist from the second row to 10 is the most absurd adjustment I have seen so far. Move it back. It is a pain in the royal you know what to have to search for the Watchlish when it was just below currently watching. If you want people to navigate shows let them move down the rows. Don't make us who used the Watchlist in the second row have to withstand this inconvenience any longer.   

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  • I kept waiting to see if any movement will happen to this request...

    Viki, if I need to explore I usually go to Categories and look there. Or I look up a particular actor/actress that I like and follow them there as well.

    To be exact, "searching" for shows would not be a hassle even if the "watchlist" is in the 2nd row. I like the "watchlist" in the 2nd row for ease of use.

    Please, put it back to where it was. Thank you.

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