A portal where to find volunteers

I propose the creation of a portal where all the volunteers can be found and each one has a profile in which to display: past projects, projects in progress and a button that allows them to request them in other projects. This way, local managers can more easily find volunteers for their teams. My idea can be applied as a separate portal or can also be integrated into the current profile. Also, on the profile could pe presented more info which can be helpful for channel managers or local managers. Thanks!


5 commentaires
  • O! Dear!
    But! We will keep supporting those who try, try we must! ✊🏾!

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  • I discovered that there is a volunteer recruitment portal in the bulk translation menu. But it is empty. No volunteers are displayed.

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  • Great Idea! 😃 !
    Teams can readily be formed, and assigned a work for subtitles, segmenting, editing, and all the machinations that goes into bringing translation to the fans! Creating good synergy, and cohesiveness from the start!

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  • that'd be amazing!!!!

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  • Not a new idea at all.  https://subber.viki.com/volunteer_finder

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