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[Solved] The show I’ve been watching on Roku app won’t play anymore, but plays on website. The show is A Dream Of Splendor.
I have been watching A Dream Of Splendor on Viki through Roku for the last few days. I just went to turn it on and it won’t play. A message reads “Blocked. This video is not available.” I logge...
followed shows incorrect on Roku
Suddenly on my Roku only 11 shows are appearing in my following. I checked my Viki app on my phone and same thing. I am actually following 215 shows. I went to my computer to http://Viki.com and t...
[Closed] Viki not working on roku or my computer
Viki is not working on roku or on my computer.
[Solved] watched not working on roku
It's the middle of June and this is still not fixed. I go to watch a show I had watched on viki on roku and it shows I haven't watched any of the episodes. This has been going on for months and I...