
[Closed] Watch history still not updating

ok youve closed the posts re watch history not saving/updating but not sorted the issue how do i get help thanx



3 comentarios
  • Comentario oficial

    Hi All,

    We're sorry that you're still experiencing this issue with your watch markers / Continue Watching not being updated. 

    Our team will need more time to look into this and we will definitely provide updates when we have them. 

    Kindly follow this post for more updates and we will be closing this to avoid confusion on multiple requests.

    We greatly appreciate your patience!


    Viki Community Team Member

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  • My watched history no longer updates on Apple TV and my iPhone.  Apple TV is 5th generation and iPhone 12 with iOS14.6.   Viki is version   Very frustrating, must go through followed shows to go to the next episode.  It registers there what episode I am watching but not continue watching.  This is like not having an annual pass, which I have (viki pass plus).  

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  • It is still not working for me. It just keeps getting worse. Please work on this or else I will cancel my subscription!! 

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