[Solved] Where Stars Land
I'm a VikiPass member currently watching episode 5 of Where Stars Land. There are huge chunks of dialogue missing---only intermittent English subs appear. Why?
Hello guys,
We don't actually translate or subtitle content ourselves; instead, our passionate volunteer community (people like you!) subtitle content on Viki. You can learn more about our volunteer community here.
As Where Stars Land is an On-Air drama, it will take some time for the latest episodes to be fully subtitled.
You can check a video if it has been completely subtitled by referring to the subtitle completion percentage at the bottom of the video thumbnail. Follow the channel to get mobile notifications from the Viki mobile app when subtitles are completed. For more details on how to do this, please refer to this FAQ.
If you wish to request subtitles for a particular show, you can also fill out this form and we'll do our best to make it happen.
Viki can you please assign more contributors to work on these subtitles?
If the viewers would just watch the episode rather than just complaining, they would see that the missing subs are missing lyrics from OST which have not been formally published so are not yet in the Korean music database. As the chief editor on Where Stars Land and one of the subbers, I am very pround of our subbing team which usually completes subbing ALL dialogue within 12 - 18 hours of upload on viki.
A great many of the missing OST lyrics are a song which is being sung in English by a non-native speaker of English. There are two other OST songs which have not yet been published as of Oct 23, 2018. Because parts of an OST may be heard in bits and pieces in the episode, the content is often hard to gauge, and If so, the skippers will skip the line rather than guessing wrong from just hearing a fragment of a line,
As a native speaker of English, I can tell you first hand that I cannot figure out everything the singer is singing in the "English" song, and rather than guess, my standard instruction to the subtitlers is to leave the subtitle completely blank. If the sub is left blank, when the lyrics are published, we can find the missing lines rapidly and sub accurately. That is the alternative to making W.A. guesses which are completely wrong just to reach 100%.
Other sites are often ripping off viki subs and don't report a percentage at all. The other sites rarely sub OST and will skip complicated or technical dialogue. Thus, they just skip the difficult and will be "complete" before viki. But the subtitles at viki are more complete and more correct than any other subtitles for the same drama.
Thank you Kristie for explaining the unique process at viki.
I do watch the episodes and very avidly I might add. I enjoy these Asian dramas so much that I stopped watching American ones years ago and now watch Korean and Taiwanese/Chinese ones exclusively! The missing subs in the current episodes are NOT all lyrics... they're dialog the actors are speaking. When their mouths are moving and you hear Korean spoken, not sung that would be dialog.. right? Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't 'Where Stars Land' airing on a weekly basis? If the next episodes are due in 5 days (as per the episodes list) that would mean the current episodes posted aired 2 days ago. But the subs are still missing huge chunks at this time and the sub percentages shown are 72% and 80 % respectively for the two 30-min episodes. This has been the case with most of the episodes to date. I check in to VIKI every day to see when the next episodes are due, posted and subbed... right now it shows episodes 15 and 16 in another 5 days... and the subs for episodes 13 and 14 are at 92% and 81%. For a non-Korean speaking viewer that 10-20% missing dialog makes for some pretty large chunks missing that they have to try to guess at. I always check to see where the sub percentage is at and I see the numbers creeping up really slowly over days days and sometimes longer before they reach 100%. In fact, I've noticed some dramas that have been entirely posted and at marathon viewing status and yet the percentages are less than 100% on the episodes. I like to sing along with my favourite OST songs in Korean so I am picking up a fair bit of Korean (perhaps my Hungarian background is what makes it fairly easy for me to do that) but I don't know enough yet to follow all the lyrics. It's the same with conversation or dialog... I can catch a word or phrase here and there but not enough to be able to say I get the full gist of what's being said. Funny thing... this is the first drama I've watched where the subs are getting put up this slowly. I've been seeing a lot of complaints from the viewers in the timed comments as well as the comments section of each episode. Granted some folks seem to think the episodes should be fully subbed with an hour or so of being posted but it really isn't just griping this time. Ordinarily I think subbers do an awesome job of getting the subs up on the dramas and I truly appreciate their efforts! It's just this drama's lack of subs is disappointing me. I'm particularly loving this drama because it's such a trip down Memory Lane for me. I used to work as a passenger agent at Toronto's Pearson International and then at LAX in Los Angeles. It's been a lot of years since then for me and yet I still really miss the excitement of working at the airport! I'm really not trying to gripe about the subs here though... just asking why they're taking so much longer for this drama than others I've watched in the past.
Hi eves_mailbox_767,
Where Stars Land airs on Monday and Tuesday 22:00 KST, 2 episodes each day. We only receive and upload videos after broadcast ends. It can take an additional few hours for the videos to be fully uploaded onto Viki for the team to work on it.
Ep 13 & 14 in particular were uploaded late due to the broadcast of a baseball game in Korea, as shared by the team in the Channel Comments section. As such, the team was only able to start working on these episodes less than 24 hours ago.
I hope this helps to explain why the subtitles might be taking slightly longer for Ep 13 & 14.
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