Thank you for writing in to Viki Community Support.
You can check if and when you'll be able to watch the show without Viki Pass by viewing the episode list. The number of days left before it is available for non-Viki Pass subscribers will be displayed below each episode.
If there are no number of days displayed, this means that the episode will require Viki Pass indefinitely.
Hope this helps for now. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you today.
Lyn Viki Community Team Member
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Hi lola_lgz13,
Thank you for writing in to Viki Community Support.
You can check if and when you'll be able to watch the show without Viki Pass by viewing the episode list. The number of days left before it is available for non-Viki Pass subscribers will be displayed below each episode.
If there are no number of days displayed, this means that the episode will require Viki Pass indefinitely.
Hope this helps for now. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you today.
Viki Community Team Member
Note: To respond to this thread, please click on "View the post" in the email notification. Responses to the email notification will not update the thread and are not received.
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