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onetempi_706 commented, Why don't you just admit that you are not going to continue to support the use of Roku so that we can all make the appropriate decision and move on with our lives?
onetempi_706 commented, Yes, I have the same issue with the Roku app crashing immediately when I select a movie to watch.
onetempi_706 created a post, Answered[Closed] Roku problem
The episode list for programs is displaying oldest to newest again. I asked about this a few weeks ago, and it was fixed for awhile but now the problem is back. I have to scroll through all the ava...
onetempi_706 commented, I also wish the order of episodes would return to newest first. It takes too long to scroll through all the old episodes to get to the recent ones.
onetempi_706 commented, I saw this on the MyDramaList website today: "from viki : "the episodes have been temporarily taken down due to copyright issues and are currently being edited but don't worry, they will be back so...
onetempi_706 created a post, Answered[Solved] "You Raise Me Up" has disappeared
I watched the first 2 episodes of "You Raise Me Up" with English subtitles, and now this show appears in my Watch List with the status "Coming Soon" and the first 2 episodes have disappeared. What ...
onetempi_706 commented, Same here - no "follow" list on Roku
onetempi_706 commented, I am watching Viki using a Roku, and when I click on an episode for an on air show, the Viki app crashes. Other shows work fine. I can watch on air shows on Viki on my computer as well. I uninstall...