It helped me to start playing the episode on my phone then go to the continue watching section on the tv to finish it. It’s better than nothing at least.
It’s not just you. My Viki app on my tv also seems to be acting funny. It seems to be working on my phone though. Hopefully they fix it soon.
I was able to fix it by clicking left on the remote a few times as soon as the app opened. Not sure if will work for everyone but its worth a try.
I was able to fix it by clicking left on the remote a few times as soon as the app opened. Not sure if will work for everyone but its worth a try.
I was able to fix it by clicking left on the remote a few times as soon as the app opened. Not sure if will work for everyone but its worth a try.
I had the same issue. I was able to fix it by clicking left on the remote a few times as soon as the app opened.
I had the same issue. I was able to fix it by clicking left on the remote a few times as soon as the app opened.