Recent activity by arniarent_990
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[Closed] Dark gray bars instead of black on "A Dream of Splendor"
I am watching "A Dream of Splendor" and on my LG OLED tv (app) there are darkgray bars top/bottom instead of black. This is distracting, and might cause burn-in on my TV.I tried my chromecast and i...
[Closed] LG Webos font character and pause/play toggle
I recently purchased LG TV with webos and installed the Viki app. What bothers me the most are two issues: 1. The font character is very thin so it's difficult to read. I have used Viki in web brow...
[Closed] Curious about video and audio quality
Hi I'm watching on desktop PC (chrome browser) on a 43" 4K monitor (dell professional). I also have professional studio monitors (yahama hs8). I also have 1 gig connection, although located in Icel...