Activity overview
Latest activity by Sean-
Sean commented, Official commentOlá, lamento saber sobre seus benefícios ausentes. Eles agora devem estar ativos em sua conta. Obrigada.
Sean created an article, Why can't I access channel comments or discussions?
If you cannot access channel team discussions, this could be related to accepting our Cookie Consent. If you have recently visited the Viki.com website and have noticed there isn't a comments secti...
Sean created an article, Glossary of Terms
A list of terms used within the Help Center can be found below: A - I | J - Q | R - Z Badges / Profile BadgesYou can earn badges to proudly display on your profile page by subtitling and segmentin...
Sean commented, I'm sorry that "Perfect Couple" subtitles haven't been completed yet. We don't actually translate or subtitle content ourselves; instead, our passionate volunteer community (people like you!) subti...
Sean commented, The badges should automatically be added, but if they don't that's why we're here. =)
Sean commented, Hello dellabeta. Please check your email for information about your J-Drama badge. Thank you! giant.Sean