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alvjags_87 created a post, Answered[Closed] Roku Episodes Missing and Not in Order
Roku app on air variety show episodes on watchlist are missing and not in sequential order. For example King of Masked Singer current episode is 381, then episodes go from beginning to ep 186, then...
alvjags_87 commented, Hi Michelle Roku device then when it stopped went to Fire tablet and saw it stated that it was restricted for 19 days. Since I was in fire tablet I logged into it separately I can watch the episod...
alvjags_87 commented, Same here, the manager ep 189....
alvjags_87 commented, I got the same message while streaming the manager ep189 it stopped and gave me that message. Checked it out online and it said it was restricted access for 19 days. They do have ep 190 out though....
alvjags_87 commented, Agree. With the latest update to roku app, the order to watch all shows including on-air shows is now in chronological order rather than latest show first. For the on-air episodes it just shows the...