This is the response I received from Viki tech support: Hi there mommy4ltg_27, Thanks for contacting Viki Support! We're sorry that you're experiencing this issue. Our team is aware of it and wil...
Yes I've tried all the "fixes" posted on the help page and nothing works.
I can load one or two Chinese dramas but all the Korean dramas I'm watching won't load. And if I try to start a new K-drama it says blocked.
I'm having the same issue. I've subscribed for almost yer and suddenly i can't watch anything on my tv/roku but everything is fine on my mobile app.
I'm having the same issue with my Roku and Viki. The programs say blocked and the ones I've been watching say "Oops, something went wrong". Very frustrating!
I'm having the same issue. Everything either says blocked or Oops! Something went wrong.